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El Salvador Project Notice - Capacity Development Of The Department Of Climate Change Adaptation And Strategic Risk Management For Strengthening Of Public Infrastructure, Phase II

Project Notice

PNR 19276
Project Name Capacity Development of the Department of Climate Change Adaptation and Strategic Risk Management for Strengthening of Public Infrastructure, Phase II
Project Detail Purpose Overall goal Vulnerability of road infrastructure against disaster is decreased in El Salvador. Project Purpose Capacity of the Department of Climate Change Adaptation and Strategic Risk Management (DACGER) is strengthened to improve disaster risk management of road infrastructure. Outputs Risk diagnosis ability against earthquake for road infrastructure (bridges, road slopes) is improved. Standard specifications, design guide and cost estimation standards for road disaster risk reduction projects are formulated. DACGERs project management capacity on road disaster risk reduction projects is enhanced. Project outcomes from disaster risk diagnosis and road disaster risk reduction projects are shared with domestic and outside countries. Project Activities 1-1 Review of earthquake-resistance design standards and analyzing them. 1-2 Setting earthquake-resistance standards for bridges and road slopes. 1-3 Collection and organization of basic information on bridges and road slopes during phase 1. 1-4 Formulation of manuals and formats of risk diagnosis. 1-5 Implementation of risk diagnosis 1-6 Planning of road disaster risk reduction projects with total risk assessment of rain and earthquake risk 1-7 Prioritization of road disaster risk reduction projects through countermeasure alternative studies with benefit-cost analysis. 2-1 Formulation of standard specifications (monitoring of movement state, quality management, construction management) for road disaster risk reduction projects 2-2 Formulation of design guide for road disaster risk reduction projects. 2-3 Formulation of cost estimation standards for road disaster risk reduction projects. 2-4 Request for the approval of standard specification, design guide, cost estimation standards 3-1 Selection of several pilot projects for road disaster risk reduction 3-2 Implementation of Environmental and Social Consideration Study 3-3 Construction ordering of pilot projects subject to standard specifications 3-4 Implementation and management of pilot projects subject to standard specifications 4-1 Strengthening communication between MOPTVDU and public about the project progress and outcomes 4-2 Technical transfer of the Project outcomes to infrastructure-related organizations and local governments by DACGER as master trainers 4-3 Technical exchanges among engineers who are assigned public infrastructure projects for sharing the Project outcomes (technical tour invitation to pilot projects site at implementation time) 4-4 Sharing of the risk diagnosis manual and standard specifications with Central American Secretary for Economic Integration (hereinafter referred to as SIECA) and countries of Central America Inputs Inputs Summary by Japanese Side Dispatch of Experts Chief advisor / Road disaster risk management. Deputy chief advisor / Disaster mitigation project management. Slope diagnosis. Bridge diagnosis. Design / Cost estimation. Construction management. Geographic Information. Environmental and social consideration. Experts in other fields, as necessity Machinery and Equipment 3D laser scanner for ground and structure. Satellite image and photograph processing software. Thermal infrared image camera. Automatic measuring device of soil moisture / pore pressure. Automatic rain gauges. Seismic design software. Microtremor array measurement equipment. Equipment of primary and secondary wave speed measurement by down-hole method. Accelerometer Other machinery and equipment, as necessity Expense of technical exchange with third country, congress participation Input Summary by El Salvador Side MOPTVDU will take necessary measures to provide at its own expense: Services of MOPTVDUs counterpart personnel and administrative personnel as referred to in II-6; Suitable office space and facilities with necessary equipment; Supply or replacement of machinery, equipment, instruments, vehicles, tools, spare parts and any other materials necessary for the implementation of the Project other than the equipment provided by JICA; Means of transport and security consideration for the JICA experts for official travel within El Salvador; Information as well as support in obtaining medical service; Identification cards; Available data (including maps and photographs) and information related to the Project; Running expenses necessary for the implementation of the Project. Necessary facilities to the JICA experts for the remittance as well as utilization of the funds introduced into El Salvador from Japan related to the implementation of the Project; and Necessary action to secure the budget for pilot projects.
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA
Sector Transportation
Country El Salvador , Central America
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name Department of Climate Change Adaptation and Strategic Risk Management, Ministry of Public Works, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development
Web Site

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