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Paraguay Project Notice - Institutional Strengthening Project For The Adequate Financial Inclusion Of Rural Producers

Project Notice

PNR 19265
Project Name Institutional Strengthening Project for the Adequate Financial Inclusion of Rural Producers
Project Detail Superior objective The number of rural producers with appropriate credits and a low delinquency rate in Paraguay is increased Objective of the project The CAH financial service for rural producers in Paraguay is improved Expected result Result 1 - The technical capabilities in Financial Inclusion of CAH officials are strengthened Result 2 - The public credit offer aimed at rural producers is improved Result 3 - Institutional coordination is strengthened to promote Financial Inclusion in the rural sector Result 4 - Credit administration is improved by rural producers Investment Japanese part Sending Japanese Experts Long and / or Short Term (according to need) Sending Short Term Experts from Third Countries (according to need) Training of counterparts in Japan and / or Third Countries (according to need) Machinery, equipment and other materials necessary for the implementation of the Project (according to need) Costs for local activities and printing of materials prepared by the Project On the part of the Government of Paraguay Appointment of Counterpart Human Resources, including Project Director, Project Manager and a Technical Team composed of 9 people. Administrative staff, secretaries, driver and other support personnel. Adequate office space with the necessary equipment for experts. Supply for the operation and maintenance of machinery, vehicles, equipment and other materials. Local operating cost of the counterpart personnel for the implementation of the Project. Cost necessary for the transportation of equipment and materials within the Republic of Paraguay.
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA
Sector Agriculture
Country Paraguay , South America
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name Agricultural Credit of Habilitation
Web Site

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