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Various Countries Project Notice - Deepening Civil Society Engagement For Development Effectiveness

Project Notice

PNR 18591
Project Name Deepening Civil Society Engagement for Development Effectiveness
Project Detail The TA cluster is aligned with the following impact: delivery of inclusive development services in selected DMCs improved (SDG 10). The TA cluster will have the following outcome: CSO participation in ADB operations strengthened. Output 1: Capacity for effective civil society organization engagement in the design, implementation, and monitoring of ADB projects improved. The TA cluster will seek a DMC-based solution to enhance CSO engagement and identify areas for skills enhancement. A capacity gap assessment of skills and knowledge on CSO cooperation will lead to (i) development of a learning program to build the capacity of DMC officials and CSOs on effective engagement in key sectors such as climate change, disaster risk management, gender, water, urban services, energy, health, education, and social protection; and (ii) country-specific strategies, such as CSO engagement in fragile and conflict-affected situations. To improve the skills for enhanced CSO engagement of DMC project officials and CSOs, capacity building methods and outputs will include (i) classroom training and learning-by-doing (on-the-job training, mentoring, and cross-learning visits); (ii) networking and peer learning programs; and (iii) e-learning and blended-learning courses. The TA cluster will also support regional capacity building through workshops and the use of appropriate information and communication technology (ICT) platforms. Output 2: Demonstration activities through effective civil society organization engagement conducted. TA cluster outputs will focus on ongoing and new ADB operations and country assistance strategies using gender-sensitive and inclusive approaches. New and proposed business processes and innovative engagement models for enhanced CSO engagement will be field tested in selected DMCs. The main activities include (i) collecting and sharing information, and supporting CSO participation in achieving the SDGs and, where applicable, Open Government Partnership national action plans and other institutional mechanisms for civil society government engagement; (ii) collecting and sharing information with ADB country teams and government agencies on major CSO-led development programs in the participating DMC; (iii) developing CSO country assessments and ADB CSO country cooperation action plans in country planning activities; (iv) incorporating knowledge and expertise of CSOs through the establishment of regional and national advisory committees; (v) integrating context-sensitive CSO engagement into the design of new loans and grants in the ADB project pipeline; (vi) supporting the implementation of planned CSO participation in ongoing ADB-financed projects through TA and capacity building; (vii) supporting ADB resident mission offices and project teams working with CSOs; (viii) demonstrating new engagement tools and processes with CSOs in ADB projects; (ix) identifying and implementing opportunities to leverage ADB CSO partnerships on ADB projects; (x) supporting the involvement of CSOs in the design, implementation, and monitoring of project activities and outputs; (xi) supporting CSO-participatory activities to enhance the delivery of services to poor, vulnerable, and marginalized communities; and (xii) creating CSO advisory committees (national and regional) to support TA knowledge generation and sharing. The advisory committees will facilitate discussions and provide recommendations to stimulate increased CSO engagement in ADB projects. Output 3: Knowledge products about effective civil society organization engagement in ADB operations generated and shared. The TA cluster will capture and disseminate lessons and experiences of good practices involving CSO engagement in project planning, design, implementation, and monitoring, and highlight in-country and regional knowledge platforms. The knowledge products will demonstrate how CSO engagement enhances project quality and promotes inclusive development. Capacity building and field testing of new business processes will be undertaken under output 1, and enhanced CSO engagement models under output 2. Lessons from these activities may be developed into e-learning courses and blended learning programs to be used as part of a continuous capacity development program. Special attention would be devoted to CSO engagement to improve inclusion of specific marginalized and vulnerable groups in ADB operations. Practical grassroots CSO engagement participatory tools and techniques will be generated locally and lessons monitored and shared among local CSOs and project operational teams. The TA cluster will develop tangible knowledge products using ICT and other appropriate communication tools (e.g., printed materials may be used for knowledge dissemination where internet access to local communities is not available, or as appropriate to enhance the effectiveness of discussions, interactions, and dialogues). These knowledge products will be integrated into ADB country knowledge planning and use country knowledge platforms such as ADBs K-Learn learning platform to capture lessons, processes, and unique features of the enhanced CSO engagement.
Funded By Asian Development Bank
Sector Public sector management
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Project Value AL 1,400,000

Contact Information

Company Name Asian Development Bank
Address Mr. Christopher I. Morris, Principal Social Development Specialist 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines
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