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Egypt Project Notice - Kitchener Drain Depollution - Drain Rehabilitation

Project Notice

PNR 18474
Project Name Kitchener Drain Depollution - Drain Rehabilitation
Project Detail Project Description Sovereign loan of up to EUR 131 million to the Government of Egypt to finance the drain infrastructure rehabilitation component of the integrated depollution programme of the Kitchener Drain, the main agricultural drain passing through the governorates of Kafr El Sheikh, Gharbeya and Dekheila in the Delta region. The proposed loan is expected to finance (i) drain rehabilitation works (dredging of canals, and rehabilitation and construction of new pumping stations), (ii) diversion works of the Omar Bek sub basin and (iii) installation of a monitoring system for water flow and quality (the Project). The drain rehabilitation is one of three components forming the integrated depollution programme of the Kitchener Drain. The other two components consist of (i) wastewater expansion and plant rehabilitation project proposed to be financed by the EIB and (ii) municipal solid waste management project, proposed to be financed by the Bank. Project Objectives The Kitchener Drain is one of the most severely polluted drains in Egypt causing significant environmental, economic and social harm. It extends 69 km and passes through the governorates of Kafr El Sheikh, Gharbeya and Dekheila and discharges into the Mediterranean Sea. Pollution of the Kitchener Drain emanates from three main sources: (i) domestic wastewater (poorly treated and/or untreated) from numerous villages within the three governorates; (ii) uncontrolled municipal solid waste disposed of along the banks and into the drains; (iii) industrial wastewater discharge and (iv) fertilisers and pesticides discharges from the agricultural drainage system. The integrated programme will be the first programme in Egypt testing a new cross-sectoral approach that will support the depollution of the Mediterranean Sea and improve the health and environmental situation of the people living in the drain catchment area as well as strengthen the economy by improving the irrigation water quality in the three governorates. The Project will improve the hydraulic performance and management of the drain, reduce energy consumption and further reduce the pollution in the Damietta Branch of the Nile River. Additionally, the introduction of a monitoring system will help control the level of pollutants in the water, demonstrating the development of new environmental technologies in Egypt.
Funded By European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Sector Environmental Infrastructure
Country Egypt , Northern Africa
Project Value EGP 157,520,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI)
Address Eng. Mohamed Hassab 00201020008561 02 35449417 1 Gamal Abdel Nasser Street El Waraq
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