Project Detail |
Building and renovating infrastructure to improve access to safe water and sewerage systems in the greater Suva area of Fiji. Creating a new river water intake station on the River Rewa and improving the Kinoya wastewater treatment plant and associated sewer coverage. Over half of Fiji’s population is urban with further growth expected, particularly around Suva City, the national capital. Urban infrastructures are vulnerable to extreme droughts and flooding as well as sea level rise, causing threats to the environment, health, and social and economic development. Urban water supply and sanitation are particularly under strain, with service interruptions common during both drought periods and heavy rainfall periods. Existing sewerage infrastructure covers only 36% of the Suva City area. Improving water supply and wastewater management is considered essential to Fiji’s sustainable development, but its current debt levels constrain its ability to fund such vital adaptation measures. The project will strengthen water supply through the design and construction of a new water intake by the River Rewa, with a pumping station, wastewater treatment (WWT) plant, clear water reservoir, and pipeline to increase water production by 30,000 m3 per day. This will improve climate resilience by taking water from further up the river system to avoid salinity. Wastage will be reduced through meter replacement and improved leak detection and repairs. Wastewater management will be strengthened by upgrading and increasing the capacity of the Kinoya WWT plant, improving sewer coverage, and adding new treatment facilities. The project will also strengthen water management and delivery capacity of the responsible institutions. |