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China Project Notice - Shaanxi Accelerated Energy Efficiency And Environment Improvement Financing Project

Project Notice

PNR 17985
Project Name Shaanxi Accelerated Energy Efficiency and Environment Improvement Financing Project
Project Detail The proposed project will establish a clean energy financing platform (CEFP) to channel finance to clean energy investments in Shaanxi Province. In addition, to support the high-impact energy efficiency and emission reduction initiatives in large enterprises, the platform will also focus on directing investments to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The proposed CEFP will offer three complementary financial products: (i) debt financing facility to provide entrusted loans, (ii) credit guarantee facility to leverage cofinancing, and (iii) lease financing facility for the purchase of energy efficient industrial equipment. The CEFP will partner with two commercial banks active in Shaanxi Province to offer entrusted loans, and the partner banks are encouraged to provide cofinancing to match at least the ADB loan proceeds. The guarantee facility will provide credit guarantees to technically sound subprojects with high energy-saving potential but lacking in collateral to meet the requirements of the commercial banks for the provision of cofinancing. This facility is likely to be particularly useful for ESCO and SME borrowers. The CEFP will provide credit enhancement to the guarantees provided by Shaanxi SME Financing Guarantee Company by making a cash deposit of not more than 20% of the guaranteed cofinancing loan amount in the beneficiary bank of the guarantee. This will ensure that the guarantee facility will have a minimum leveraging ratio of 5
Funded By Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Sector Energy
Country China , Eastern Asia
Project Value CNY 150,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Shaanxi Financial Holding Group
Address 21st Floor, West Finance Tower, Xian Semiconductor Industrial Park, 125 Jinye Road, High-tech Zone, Xian, Shaanxi Province, China
Web Site

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