Project Detail |
The impact of the proposed investment program will ensure future growth in the greater Suva area (GSA) is sustainable and will improve public health. The outcome will be improved access to sustainable water supply and sewerage services in the GSA. The investment program has three outputs: Output 1: Supply and access to safe water in the GSA improved. The investment will expand water supply by 40,000 m3 per day by constructing a new supply intake on the Rewa river with associated water treatment plant, pumping station, reservoir, and transmission main to connect to the existing system. Reliable and sustainable long term operations and maintenance practices will be enhanced through a DBO contracting arrangement. A catchment management plan will be developed to safeguard the water source and ensure long term sustainability. NRW reduction will be achieved by improving leak detection and repairs; replacing meters; and establishing district metering areas and pressure management systems. WAF will supply 200 liters per capital per day to 315,947 persons by 2023, ensuring continuous supply to 98% of the GSA population. The climate change component of Output 1 will include adaptation measures for building the new Rewa river scheme specifically moving the facility from 29 km to 49 km from the river mouth to avoid future climate change impacts embodied in projected rising sea levels and potential migration of the salt water wedge up the river. Output 2: Wastewater treatment and management capacity in the GSA increased. The wastewater network will be rehabilitated and expanded by: (i) upgrading 31 existing wastewater pumping stations; (ii) upgrading about 18 km of wastewater trunk mains to increase carrying capacity; (iii) relining 13 km of wastewater trunk mains; and (iv) extending the wastewater network to service an additional 15% of households (approximately 4,500 existing lots in backlog areas) currently using on site septic tanks. Additionally, the WWT capacity at Kinoya will be expanded by 164% to cover approximately 277,000 person equivalent to treat wastewater from current and future households. By improving the network and expanding the WWT capacity, WAF will ensure that 60% of households in GSA will have access to a reticulated sewage collection system by 2023. The remaining households with individual septic units will be catered by a fecal sludge management system. Output 3: WAF management and sustainable service delivery capacity improved. Program management and capacity development support will be provided to: (i) support WAF in the implementation of water demand management, NRW reduction and the national liquid trade waste management programs; (ii) support the Department of Environment (DOE) developing the environmental regulatory framework for treated municipal wastewater discharge, sludge treatment and disposal practices and standards, and associated monitoring and enforcement; (iii) complete the corporatization of WAF; (iv) formulate water safety plans to protect the quantity and quality of water at all source intakes; (v) improve financial management; (vi) promote gender equity; and (vii) study alternatives to reduce the long term energy consumption of the existing urban WWT system. |