Project Detail |
Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program (AREDP) is a national government-led multi-donor funded, program that jump-starts and facilitates private sector growth in rural Afghanistan. The program strengthens the private sector through integrated, value chain, top to bottom knowledge based interventions, bottom to top community enterprise development and by addressing credit and capital needs on all levels and in all locations.
The overall goal of AREDP is to increase employment, income of rural men and women, and the sustainability of targeted local enterprises. This program operates under the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development through the Program Management Office (PMO) in Kabul. The key principals of the AREDP are supporting market orientation, sustainable businesses, improving coordination, building partnerships, facilitating client decisions, sharing best practices and vertical integration. AREDP has two program components and one functional or support component.
The two Program components are Community-based Enterprise Development, which provides knowledge-based and financial services to community-based rural enterprises, and Small and Medium Enterprise Development (SME) that provides business advisory and financial services to rural SMEs.
The management component consists of Program management functions, the development of two units that handle policy issues for rural enterprises, plus research and technical support services. Monitoring and Evaluation and Gender work across all program components. AREDP is national in scope and operation and builds on other development initiatives of the GIRoA, donors, private sector MFIs, national and international stakeholders.
AREDP is currently operational in Parwan, Bamyan, Nangarhar, Herat, Balkh and Kandahar provinces. |