Project Detail |
The development objective of the Power Transmission and Distribution Projects in Andra Pradesh for India is to identify, assess, and implement environmental and social management measures in respect of the construction of sub-stations and drawing of transmission/ distribution lines. The Project will improve the supply of power and improved efficiency of operations in the target areas, leading to better financial performance of the companies, thus releasing funds for overall socioeconomic development. The project will include the following activities: (1) upgrading and augmenting transmission & distribution infrastructure; (2) improving rural electricity supply; (3) setting up power infrastructure for a Smart City; (4) setting up ICT infrastructure in the distribution companies; (5) providing transition finance to achieve financial sustainability based on achieving specified reform steps/results in the identified areas; and (6) providing technical assistance to the State power distribution sector. The Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation (APTRANSCO) and AP Distribution Companies (APEPDCL and APSPDCL) are the project executing agencies. The project implementation period is planned to be from December 2017 to December 2022. Some of the negative imapacts included : (i) land is required to undertake various project activities like construction of sub-stations, erection of transmission towers and laying of underground and overhead transmission and distribution lines; (ii) communities close to transmission and distribution lines face health and safety concern; (iii) workers and employees face health and safety concerns are at risk of exposure to chemicals during handling of pesticides used for right-of-way maintenance and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in transformer oil and other electrical components; (iv) increase the security risk for women specifically during the construction phase when there will be an increased movement of strangers in the area and also due to the blockage of access roads; (v) The tribal population living in protected and reserved forest areas is at a heightened risk because of dependence of their livelihoods on forest resources like trees, which may be cut or pruned to undertake project activities; Some of the mitigation measures are included : (i) in order to avoid the loss of private / communal lands or agriculture and forest lands, the transmission and distribution utilities will endeavor, wherever possible, to secure Government land for their projects and avoid private or communal lands, even if this requires realignment of the proposed route; (ii) The donation will not cause any economical or physical displacement of the current land users; (iii) In case of any loss of income or physical displacement is envisaged, verification of voluntary acceptance of mitigation measures must be obtained from those expected to be adversely affected. (iv) All negotiations have to be carried out in a transparent manner; (v) The affected families of'' the Scheduled Tribes shall be resettled preferably in the same Scheduled Area in a compact block so that they can retain their ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity; (vi) Each affected family of an artisan, small trader or self-employed person or an affected family which owned non-agricultural land or commercial, industrial or institutional structure in the affected area; (vii) The stamp duty and any other fees payable for registration of the land or house allotted to the affected families shall be borne by the requiring body. |