Project Detail |
Project management is entrusted to the Ministry of the Environment represented by its agency specializing in the management of seas and islands, the VASI. At the level of the provinces concerned, Quang Ninh and Haiphong, committees chaired by the chairman of each popular committee as well as project units will be set up to ensure the operational implementation of the project. Concretely, the project is divided into three main components: Component 1 - Diagnosis: describe the physical environment of the perimeter selected, identify natural resources, activities, actors, uses and pressures, including the main issues in terms of pollution (heavy metals, hydrocarbons , pesticides, veterinary products especially for aquaculture ...). This work will also identify current management practices in the area at the provincial and interprovincial level. It will be based on data available from central governments, the provinces, as well as the economic operators concerned, academics and associations working on this theme. Investigations, interviews and ad hoc measures will also be carried out to complete this diagnosis which will lead to a comprehensive report. Component 2 - Integrated coastal zone management mode through a Bay contract approach: This involves consultation and collaboration between institutional actors (VASI, Peoples Committees, DONRE other provincial services, Management Board protected areas, industrial parks, etc.), economic operators (VINACOMIN, representatives of fishermen and aquaculturists ...) and scientists (academics, research institutes ...) intended to build the list of actions to be taken in the face of the major problems affecting the bays. This work will be implemented through a series of meetings and workshops among the various stakeholders in the Bay Committees chaired by the President of the Provinces. This process will be based on the established diagnosis. Common goals will then be defined. The process should lead to the development of an action plan to achieve these goals. A prioritization of these actions will lead to the definition of the priority actions to be put in place for the project. Component 3 - Database Establishment and Information System: |