Project Detail |
The UD-RASP project aims at enhancing urban multi-hazard disaster prevention and resilience in Tunisia, using the city of Monastir as a pilot case. Funded by the European Commission Directorate-General For European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), the project will develop a standardized procedure to provide reliable data and information on urban growth and disaster risk trends in this pilot area. This will be achieved by integrating geospatial data derived from high resolution satellite imagery, available socioeconomic data, and information obtained from expert interviews into a multi-hazard risk assessment. The project will provide a methodology for resilient cities through the integration of risk information into urban disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies in accordance with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030), applicable to urban environments in Tunisia and further North African countries. Next to UNU-EHS, the project consortium also includes the Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mhb (IABG), which leads the project, and the the Municipality of Monastir. UNU-EHS leads the multi-hazard risks assessment in Monastir and is responsible for developing scenarios of future risk trends in the city. The latter will be driven by an urban growth model, augmented by scenarios of socio-spatial vulnerability trajectories. UNU-EHS will further contribute to the project’s efforts on capacity building, particularly in terms of a skills training for integrating risk information into urban planning/resilience strategies. |