Project Detail |
Roadmap for the delivery of municipal services by PPPs in UB City Progress Toward Outcome Implementation ongoing. Implementation Progress Description of Project Outputs PPP institutional assessment for UB City PPP training for UB City Screened PPP projects Support for the drafting by UB city staff of a PPP roadmap Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) The TA assisted the Economic Development Agency screen proposed public-private partnerships over September-October 2015. This led to a short list of priority PPPs, and the commencement of project preparation. The TA supported the launch of Ulaanbaatar Development Corporation (UBDC) on 1 December 2015 at an event led by the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar. The corporation will facilitate the citys engagement in commercially oriented activities including PPPs. The event was attended by around 200 representatives of the city, the business community (e.g., construction firms, banks, industry associations), development partners, civil society, and the media, and was covered on the evening TV news. Strong interest was evident from the private sector in UBs PPP program. The TA supported a PPP Consultative Meeting led by the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar on 15 January 2016 and a follow-up post-workshop. The event presented pilot PPPs being prepared by the UBDC and introduced a proposed PDF for UB Citys PPPs. The event was attended by representatives of the, the central government, the business community, development partners, civil society, and the media. The pilot PPPs are for low carbon schools and kindergartens, energy efficient street lighting, and roads and bridges. The low carbon school and kindergarten PPP, which will raise the energy efficiency of buildings to 50% and fix cold classrooms, was rated as UB Citys most important investment project in a recent Deliberative Polling event supported by Stanford University. The street lighting PPP follows similar PPPs in Europe and the UK, and will use the savings from improved energy efficiency to fund better quality lighting and an extension of street lights into ger areas. The pilots are intended to both deliver better public services and provide a learning-by-doing experience. They showcase how the private sector can be engaged to introduce smart, high technology solutions to reduce air and other forms of pollution in UB. The pilots were presented at a workshop to UB City and central government agencies on 27 September 2016. The workshop also considered a a draft PPP roadmap for UB City. This is designed to achieve a transition to PPPs that help UB become a smart, sustainable and green city. The roadmap also sets out how UB city can ensure its PPPs are fiscally affordable and provide value- for-money. A range of PPP tools (e.g., PPP Prioritization and Suitability Tool and User Guide, a Business Case Development Toolkit, an Interactive Risk Assessment and Allocation Tool, and Standardized key performance indicators, standard bidding documents) tailored to UB Citys circumstances are under development. The TA is approaching its final stage. The government is requesting for additional capacity development before the TA completion date. Preparation is underway. The implementing agency requested for an extension of the TA until 31 Dec 201,to finalize the following activities: - Training of FIDIC conditions of contract and PPP among UB city agencies - Seminar or roundtable discussion among UB city high level officials on PPP and UB city possibilities - Project management training PMBOK within UB city agencies - Support identification of priority PPP suitable for a screening assessment |