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Nepal Project Notice - Disaster Risk Reduction And Livelihood Restoration For Earthquake-Affected Communities

Project Notice

PNR 16293
Project Name Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake-Affected Communities
Project Detail The Project impact will be (i) improved equity and enhanced social inclusion in the earthquake-affected districts; and (ii) improved disaster preparedness and resilience of earthquake-affected communities. The outcome will be livelihood and schooling in poorer and more severely earthquake affected communities restored with better disaster resilience. Output 1: Schools in poorer and severely affected districts constructed or rebuilt as model disaster resilient schools will rebuild or retrofit at least 14 model schools (e.g., year 1-12 senior secondary schools) with disaster resilient standards in line with the governments school reconstruction plans and to be equipped with ICT equipment, science laboratories and improved learning space, furniture, and amenities. The component will be implemented using the same implementation arrangements as the Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP). The overall designs and approach to disaster resilient structures are expected to be harmonized with the EEAP. Output 2: Microcredit facility for livelihood restoration provided to small farmer cooperative (SFC) members will provide microcredit to approximately 12,500 affected households to restore damages from the earthquake. The microcredit will have flexible purposes to meet various needs of affected households and could finance (i) reviving microenterprises; (ii) restoring livestock, agricultural activities, and other means of livelihood; and (iii) cover essential expenses during the recovering period such as food. Microcredit will be channeled through the networks of small farmers cooperatives (SFCs) affiliated under Small Farmers Development Bank (SFDB). SFCs are member-owned and member-governed cooperatives with small and poor farmers as members. SFDB has 85 SFCs in the affected districts with the total 150,000 member households. Using the grant proceeds, the government provides a loan to SFDB. SFDB onlend the loan to SFCs and SFCs further relend to final borrowers. Microcredit will be provided in the same areas for the model schools. SFC member networks will also be utilized to provide training on safe shelter and house construction, and community based disaster risk awareness building (Output 3). Output 3: Disaster risk management capacity of the affected communities strengthened. Training programs will be provided on disaster resilient construction and disaster risk management. The disaster resilient construction training will adopt the training of trainer methodologies in which trained masons and carpenters will conduct community level training. The Project will also support disaster risk management trainings for the settlements associated with the concerned community schools, including maintenance of school buildings as potential evacuation centers in the event of disasters. The Project will prepare community based disaster risk management plans for the individual school areas, and train teachers, education administrators, school management committee members and village development committee members, selected at the local level.
Funded By Asian Development BanK
Sector Education and Training
Country Nepal , Southern Asia
Project Value NPR 17,800,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Finance
Address The Government of Nepal Singha Durbar Kathmandu, Nepal
Web Site

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