Project Detail |
The MLI / 802 project plans to respond to the material needs of local authorities in terms of equipment and rehabilitation of socio-collective infrastructures, including schools, community health centers, water points, town halls and district councils. The project operates in 12 municipalities in the regions of Gao and Timbuktu: Gao region: communes of Gounzoureye and Anchawadji for the circle of Gao; and communes of Bourra, Bara, Ouattagouna and Ansongo for the circle of Ansongo; region of Timbuktu: communes of Tindirma, Tienkour and Tingueriguef for the circle of Diré; and communes of Alafia, Lafia and Bourem Inaly for the circle of Timbuktu. The overall objective of the project is to further stabilize targeted post-conflict areas by supporting the revitalization of the local economy and improving the services provided by communities. To contribute to this general objective, the project distinguishes two specific objectives. Specific objective 1: The local economy is revived and the standard of living of the households supported is improved. This objective is targeted through two components: (i) support for economic projects contributing to the revival of the local economic fabric and (ii) social safety nets targeting the most vulnerable households. The economic projects are selected locally following diagnoses involving the authorities and the populations, with criteria taking into account the viability of the projects and their social impact. Specific objective 2: Accompanied communities are able to better fulfill their missions in the service of the populations. This objective is also targeted through two components: (i) additional material support (equipment or building repairs) after identification of the remaining needs and (ii) support for local authorities in carrying out their missions . This accompaniment involves the services of the State. The results identified in order to achieve these objectives aim to: support local economic projects; support the most vulnerable households with social safety nets; to meet the material needs of the most urgent communities for their missions to the populations; to support the communities in the exercise of their missions in favor of the populations. Under Specific Objective 1, the project aims to directly support at least 720 households through support for their economic projects, and 2,400 very poor households through social safety nets. Within the framework of the specific objective 2, the project supports the 12 communes in the improvement of their services to the populations. The project is implemented by LuxDev and funded through the European Unions Instrument for Stability and Peace (IcSP) as part of regional efforts to address the root causes of fragility and poverty. insecurity through socio-economic development. ICSP is an EU external assistance tool used to support crisis response and capacity building for organizations involved in crisis management and peacebuilding. |