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Mali Project Notice - Recovery Of Local Economy And Community Support - Phase II (RELAC II)

Project Notice

PNR 15621
Project Name Recovery of Local Economy and Community Support - Phase II (RELAC II)
Project Detail The project Revival of the Local Economy and Support to Communities II (RELAC II) intervenes in 30 communes of the regions of Gao, Timbuktu, Menaka and Taoudéni, in the north of Mali, weakened by a conflict and occupation by armed groups in 2012 and 2013. The overall objective of the RELAC II project is to further stabilize targeted post-conflict areas by supporting the revitalization of the local economy and improving the services provided by communities. To contribute to this general objective, the project distinguishes two specific objectives. specific objective 1: the local economy is revived. This objective is targeted through a support component for economic projects contributing to the revival of the local economic fabric. The economic projects are selected locally following diagnoses involving the authorities and the populations, with criteria taking into account the viability of the projects and their social impact. o specific objective 2: the supported communities are able to better fulfill their missions in the service of the populations. This objective is targeted through two components of actions: additional material support (equipment or building repairs) after identification of the remaining needs; and accompaniment of local authorities in the exercise of their missions. This accompaniment involves the services of the State. It incorporates the establishment of a local reflection on the missions of the administration, the link between administrations and populations in the northern regions concerned, and ways to improve services to the people. The results identified in order to achieve these objectives aim to: support local economic projects; to meet the material needs of the most urgent communities for their missions to the populations; to support the communities in the exercise of their missions in favor of the populations. Within the framework of the specific objective 1, the project aims a direct support to at least 2,400 households through the support to their economic projects, with 120 projects in the 30 communes of intervention. Within the framework of the specific objective 2, the project supports the 30 communes in the improvement of their services to the populations. The RELAC II project relies on a participatory diagnostics approach in each target commune, allowing for dialogue with communities and local authorities and co-building the most relevant actions in the context of each municipality. Communes of intervention: Gao Region: Gounzoureye, Anchawadji, Sony Aliber, Gabero and Gao communes for the Gao circle; communes of Bourra, Bara, Ouattagouna, Tessit and Ansongo for the circle of Ansongo and commune of Taboye for the circle of Bourem; Menaka region: Menaka commune. Region of Timbuktu: communes of Tindirma, Tienkour, Arham, Kirchamba and Tingueriguef for the circle of Diré; communes of Alafia, Lafia, Ber, Timbuktu and Bourem Inaly for the circle of Timbuktu, communes of Hanzakoma and Rarhous for the circle of Gourna-Rarhous, and communes of Goundam, Douékiré and Doukouria for the circle of Goundam; Region of Taoudenit: municipality of Agouni.
Funded By Luxembourg Agency for the Development Co-operation (Lux-Development S.A.)
Sector Local Development Service
Country Mali , Western Africa
Project Value SOS 10,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Government of Mali
Address Mali
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