Project Notice |
PNR | 15587 |
Project Name | Can-Pack SA Bond Increase Project |
Project Detail | The provision of an investment in unsecured corporate bonds with 7 years maturity, issued by Can-Pack S.A. (the Company), a Polish-based producer of aluminium cans and can ends. The Project entails financing of capacity upgrade of the existing facilities aimed at the introduction of resource efficient technologies in Romania and financing of the related additional working capital needs, as well as further investments into a recycling programme in Poland, which are part of the investment plan realized by the Can Pack Group.p> |
Funded By | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
Sector | Business and Management |
Country | Poland , Eastern Europe |
Project Value | PLN 40,000,000 |
Contact Information |
Company Name | CAN-PACK S.A. ("the Company") |
Address | Wojciech Nawrot +48 12 662 34 03 +48 12 662 34 19 1 Jasnogórska Str., 31-358 Kraków, Poland |
Web Site | |