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ALL Countries Project Notice - Loan Accounting And Servicing Workshops And E-Learning For Dmcs

Project Notice

PNR 15529
Project Name Loan Accounting and Servicing Workshops and e-Learning for DMCs
Project Detail About 15-17 workshops for an estimated 450-500 participants will be conducted during the period from 2018 to 2021. Target participants will be finance and accounting staff of borrowers/EAs, mainly from ministry of finance, central bank, other related central government offices and EAs of new ADB projects. Where available, ADBs Resident Mission staff will be invited as facilitators. The workshops will cover the following major topics: (i) ADB loan products, terms and features; (ii) ADB conversion options, loan accounting/servicing practices and procedures; (iii) ADBs Loan Accounting and Servicing Website. Individual national consultants will be engaged to enhance eC-LAS and develop a e-learning module for ADB HQ and RM staff; ADB DMC borrowers such as government offices and executing agencies; and other stakeholders to learn about topics discussed in the workshop. The e-learning module will be used as stand-alone course that saves time, effort, and resources on the part of the workshop resource person and the learners. CTL will work with knowledge management team in SDCC to enhance e-learning module for loan accounting area through LAS. Approval 26 Sep 2017
Funded By Asian Development Bank
Sector Financial Services
Country ALL Countries , All Region
Project Value AL 225,000

Contact Information

Company Name Asian Development Bank
Address 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines
Web Site

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