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Romania Project Notice - Thematic Fund Health Romania

Project Notice

PNR 13573
Project Name Thematic Fund Health Romania
Project Detail The Thematic Fund for Health Reforms in Romania has the purpose to deepen and widen previous support by Switzerland to reforms in the area of medical emergency and paediatry and will in addition to that support the development of community integrated health and social services in rural areas. Background The public health system in Romania still lacks profound reforms regarding financing, organisation, training and equipment. Due to the economic crisis, the resources available are insufficient and there is a migration of health staff to Western European countries. The national health authorities are keen to continue reforms but need external assistance in knowledge and funds. Objectives The fund shall pursue the objectives of widening the access to public health and social services as well as improving the quality of health services. Expected outcomes are a high quality service delivery in paediatric emergency, a further professionalization of emergency services and replicable pilots of rural health services. Target groups Regional hospitals and training centres with their staff, population in need of emergency services and care Activities Priority shall be given to activities in primary health care, in emergency medicine and in paediatric intensive care. The three activities will be managed by Executing Agencies under the supervision of the Swiss Intermediate Body. Results Achieved results: (by the end of 2016) 7 paediatric hospitals (3 in Bucharest – Gr. Alexandrescu, Marie-Currie, Fundeni), 1 Cluj, 1 Iasi, 1 Tg-Mures and 1 in Timisoara set as training centres for Atestat; Approved Curriculum for the Atestat training program; ToT training materials for BASIC ICU, PAEDIATRIC ICU, BASIC for Nurses, Management of Intensive care Dept.; 13 trainers trained in Basic ICU; 7 trainers in Basic for nurses; 32 trainers in Paediatric Basic; 6 trainers in Management of Intensive care Dept.; 26 trainers/medical doctors for the Atestat; All training centres have been equipped with manuals, books and training equipment; 11 checklists elaborated and approved; 6 trainers trained 35 participants in Management of Intensive care Dept.; Training centres for emergency services have training capacities as follows: 13 pre-hospital equipped training centres for paramedics; 18 pre-hospital training centres for ambulances and emergency units; 11 hospital training centres for emergency units; 25 doctors and 14 nurses ToT in ER Dept. management; 133 nurses trained for the new triaj protocol; 30 doctors trained for algorithms; ToT curriculum developed; Training materials for ER Dept. management, triaj and guidelines; Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine (500 copies), Sheey’s Nursing (2500 copies), Manual for Paramedics +DVD (2500 copies) and Triaj protocol ed.2017 (2500 copies) – translated, printed and distributed; Discharge instructions, 9 for paediatrics and 20 for adults; 437 participants in all courses; 225 medical managers (doctors, nurses, admin) from 75 hospitals, trained in 5 courses of management; 50 doctors and residents trained in scientific research and articles; Workshops of representatives of 13 training centres for young doctors; training plan and methodology updated; 24 algorithms and 3 practice recommendations elaborated; 14 algorithms for resuscitation; 75 hospitals equipped with TVs to continue present algorithms; Quality indicators for service standards included in the CPGs; 4 pilot projects contracts have been signed in March 2016; 2 pilot project contracts have been signed in April 2016; the 7th pilot project contract to be signed in early 2017; All 6 projects started implementation with project teams preparations and procurement activities; Complementary services – baseline survey and coaching – have been started immediate after projects’ signatures; Baseline study report has been elaborated; Coaching team provides support and develops solutions to upcoming problems through periodic project sites visits; First common workshop has been organised in December 2016 with focus on implementation status, reporting processes. discuss implementation barriers; Expected results: Regional hospital know to manage paediatric emergency cases professionally Training centres for emergency services are well equipped and trainers well trained by Swiss experts A number of local pilot centres in rural regions are working in community integrated health and social services
Funded By Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Sector Health and Medical
Country Romania , Eastern Europe
Project Value RON 8,499,200

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Company Name Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Address Freiburgstrasse 130 3003 Bern Access plan Phone +41 (0)58 462 68 46 Fax +41 (0)58 464 16 96
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