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Romania Project Notice - Thematic Fund Civil Society Participation Romania

Project Notice

PNR 13542
Project Name Thematic Fund Civil Society Participation Romania
Project Detail The Thematic Fund linked to Civil Society Participation in Romania has the purpose to promote the contribution of civil society organizations as important actors in development and participation. This is to be achieved through Swiss-Romanian projects in the environment sector and through an NGO-Block Grant to support a number of smaller projects of Romanian NGOs in environment and social areas Background The NGOs represent 49% of the accredited suppliers of social services (e.g. home care) in Romania. Despite these figures the civil sector continues to be weak, having still limited advocacy capacity. After Romania joined the EU, the traditional international donors as USAID, DFID, SIDA and SDC phased out their support. The recent economic crisis worsened the financial basis of the nongovernmental sector. The access to the structural instruments is still very difficult for them. The EEA (European Economic Area) Financial Mechanism funded an NGO Fund that came at the right moment and had a good impact on the sector but could respond to a limited part of the NGOs sector needs only. Objectives The objective of the Thematic Fund „Civil Society Participation“ is the promotion of the contribution of civil society organizations as important actors in development and participation. Capacity building in project planning, monitoring and implementation is an objective of its own so that: the Swiss supported projects shall be implemented in timely manner and with high qualitative standards capacities built with Swiss support may be used to implement projects financed through other financial sources Target groups The civil society of Romania in general, the NGOs and the vulnerable population in particular. Activities A portfolio of pre-defined projects in the field of environment already retained in the Framework Agreement A financial provision which allows to flexibly finance additional projects that will be presented during the implementation of the Thematic Fund “Civil Society” A Block Grant for the financing of small activities of the civil society/NGOs A managing and capacity building body (Swiss Intermediate Body) which guarantees the good use of funds, the link to Swiss partners and the sustainability of the Swiss support activities Results Achieved results: By the end of 2016: 5 Retained Activities in the environmental domain have been under implementation. Out of which 2 projects completed in 2016. Projects of 64 EAs under the Social Component and 30 in the Environment Component, selected during the 1st and 2nd Call for proposals, have been implemented and closely monitored by the SIB. By the end of 2016 all Grant projects from the 1st Round and 2 projects from the 2nd Round were completed. The institutional capacity of the organisations involved in the implementation of projects (both EAs and partners) has increased, as well as the role of organisations in policy making process Expected results: 5 projects in the field of environment implemented as coopération between Swiss and Romanian partners around 90 projects of Romanian NGOs implemented in the fields of environment and social services
Funded By Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Sector Services
Country Romania , Eastern Europe
Project Value RON 16,800,000

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Company Name Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Address Freiburgstrasse 130 3003 Bern Access plan Phone +41 (0)58 462 68 46 Fax +41 (0)58 464 16 96
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