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Italy Project Notice - Exploring Dry Storage As An Alternative Biobanking Strategy Inspired By Nature

Project Notice

PNR 13339
Project Name Exploring dry storage as an alternative biobanking strategy inspired by Nature
Project Detail Biobanking under liquid nitrogen (LN) has satisfactory efficiency but it comes with many drawbacks (e.g. expensive, high carbon footprint, need dedicated facilities, trained personnel, and continuous monitoring and LN supply). Searching Nature for alternatives, long-term preservation there is done by drying rather than freezing. To date, however, mammalian cells do not survive the drying process. Even so, if somatic cells genetic and epigenetic load is maintained, drying can find an important role in biobanking, a fast growing global industry. We aim to elucidate the effects of drying on DNA structure and function, crucial aspects of long-term biobanking not investigated yet, using fibroblast as a model cell, and combining advanced freezing and drying techniques with state-of-the-art Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) and latest genomic technologies. The expected outcomes are definitive data on effects of drying on genomic stability/function, and possible discovery of a protocol to protect the epi/genetic load during cell drying. The crossing between the Researcher’s scientific interest and experience in sperm biology, andrology, cryobiology and drying and the Supervisor’s expertise in embryology and SCNT creates an attractive and very solid background for this proposal, with mutual benefit to both Host and Researcher. While strengthening the Supervisor’s laboratory with his expertise, the Researcher will enhance his creative potential and further develop his interdisciplinary and communication skills by learning SCNT and whole genome analysis as well as mentoring students, participating in conferences, and communicating research results to targeted audiences (scientists, general public, students, stakeholders, policymakers), thus enhancing his scientific profile. This proposal is the perfect stepping stone for the Researcher to become an independent scientist and an expert in desiccation for biobanking, while contributing a competitive advantage to the Host.
Funded By European union
Sector Banking
Country Italy , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 180,277

Contact Information

Address VIA RENATO BALZARINI 1 3 5 7 64100 TERAMO Italy
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