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Indonesia Project Notice - Indonesian-Swiss Partnership For Intellectual Property, Phase II

Project Notice

PNR 13208
Project Name Indonesian-Swiss Partnership for Intellectual Property, Phase II
Project Detail ntellectual property rights support economic competitiveness and innovation. With its rich cultural diversity and 56 million SMEs, Indonesia has a strong potential to strengthen its creative industries. ISIP-2 supports Indonesia’s strategy to bolster innovation and income generation by improving stakeholder awareness, access and benefits from a robust Intellectual Property framework. Background Even though Indonesia has a well-developed Intellectual Property (IP) legal system, challenges in IP policy-making and implementation remain. The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) and the Indonesian Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) implemented a first phase the focus of which was the creation of an IP legal framework and professional training for DGIP experts. ISIP-2 builds on this success by reinforcing business access to proficient IP protection government services. It will also work with selected producers of goods with Geographical Indicators (GI), helping them to access markets for their products. Objectives The overall development objective of ISIP-Phase 2 is to strengthen the use of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in Indonesia in order to contribute to higher competitiveness, more value added to Indonesian products and to a positive impact on Indonesia’s economic development. ISIP-2 addresses IP systemic challenges and supports the government in its priority to develop the country’s creative industry sector through improved protection and valorisation of GIs. The strategy of the second phase of the ISIP Project is to consolidate and build upon existing results by translating them into tangible, sustainable benefits for key stakeholders. The Project will focus on those areas that the Government of Indonesia (GoI) considers as an economic priority and are likely to lead to the highest possible socio-economic benefits. The key beneficiaries will be the DGIP, the Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF), and selected GI Trade Associations. Medium-term outcomes Policies, laws, rules and procedures support the protection and commercialization of IPRs and development of Indonesia’s creative economy-Indonesia’s IP protection system better serves its users by strengthening capacities and expertise of Indonesian policy makers and regulatorsEconomic value and sustainability of Indonesia GI protection system is demonstrated by supporting producers of value-chain products wiht tailor-made trainings on market access, quality control and organizational development as well as building capacities of Collective Management Organizations. Results Expected results: The project prodvides specialized advidce and support in selected areas (technical capacity building, training and expert inputs), leading to:The importance of IP for Indonesias creative economy and how IP contributes to economic development is demonstrated. The framework for and support of Collective Management Organizations capacities is strengthened.Capacities of the DGIP to provide internal training and external information, to examine patent and design patent applications, and to settle IP disputes are strengthenedValue chain studies and market access scoping is conducted for three Geographical indicators.Two new Indonesian GIs are selected for support. Training is provided to three IP producer associations. Awareness and promotion is raised on GI protection at local, national and international level contributing to better market access.Input to the development of advanced GI protection, quality control, traceability, certification and labelling system is provided. Results from previous phases: In the previous phase (2012-2016) the following outcome of ISIP were achieved:- Improvement of capacity to develop IP policies and implement law: 20 patent examiners trained in chemical and pharmaceutical patents. Trainings in international IP negotiations for the Indonesian IP office to better represent its interests abroad.- Market development for GIs: Trainings to producer associations in organisational development and market access. Public awareness raised through GI National Seminar and Market Place. 4 GI products registered.- Improvements in the IP framework for Copyright realised through technical support to the National Copyright Society on Music. New law on royalties in the karaoke sector, and drafting of 11 sectoral laws.- Public and IP user awareness on IPR highlighted through the production of 11 short movies to familiarize producers of traditional products and creative industry SMEs. Improved understanding on IPRs.
Funded By Economic Cooperation and Development
Sector Real Estate
Country Indonesia , South Eastern Asia
Project Value IDR 1,591,505

Contact Information

Company Name Embassy Jakarta
Address Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X 3/2, Kuningan Jakarta-Selatan 12950 Indonesia Map Phone +62 21 525 60 61 +62 21 520 74 51
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