Project Detail |
Our waste water consists of many dissolved and undissolved substances from industrial, commercial and domestic waste water. This results in a special environmental problem within the sewer: hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The effects of H2S are drastic. Economically very high infrastructure costs arise in our sewage system resulting from sulphuric acid corrosion (investment needs Europe > 250 bn €). Ecologically it is proven that an increasing bulking sludge formation results which is fatal for the microbiology in a sewage plant. In order to eliminate H2S, high amounts of chemicals are currently pumped through the European sewage system. But the use of chemicals could be drastically reduced when measures would be taken already at the point of origin in the waste water collection point, which prevent the H2S formation selectively. For this purpose, a measurement procedure is necessary that can register on-site and online the H2S concentration. We, the ECH, have successfully managed to develop a new measurement method that is solving this problem. Objective of the SME Phase 1 is a feasibility study for an H2S analyzing device (TRL 6). Target customers are municipal and private companies of the waste water industry, industrial sewage treatment plants, contract laboratories (market volume 200-500 m €). The advantages of the H2S-Analyzer are: Technology: - Measurement of smallest H2S incidences from 0,01 ppm - Fast measurements (<10 min) - automatized online measurement Ecologically: - Proofed reduction of chemicals use for the treatment of H2S at least 40-50% Economically: - Reduction of expenditures for replacement investments in the waste water infrastructure - Cost savings of at least 40 % due to the low use of chemicals The H2S-Analyzer is as a key factor of the ECH and will lead to significant increases in the company´s turnover, increase of employees and in the long-term to a lower use of chemicals in the sewer industry. H2S-Analyzer – Good for you and the environment! |