Project Detail |
The project aims at improving the current waste management in Khorog City by combining investments into modern equipment and infrastructure with strong institutional support, while taking into consideration the environmental and social circumstances. Background Solid waste management has been one of the most neglected municipal services in Tajikistan. The three major problems are (i) outdated equipment, (ii) lack of institutional capacity and (iii) limited institutional and economic support at municipality level. In Khorog city, the waste is loaded manually directly from the ground into old vehicles with very small loading capacities and an open top. Due to the use of inefficient methods of waste collection (manual collection takes a lot of time and many workers), and the low standard of technical equipment (between 15-20 years old), large amounts of waste cannot be collected. Objectives The overall objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of the population and the local economy (incl. tourism) by enhancing Khorog’s current municipal solid waste management, comprising waste collection, transportation and disposal, while taking into consideration environmental standards and social circumstances. To meet this objective, the project will combine capital investments and technical assistance. Medium-term outcomes Capital Investments: Rehabilitation and extension of the landfill in order to reduce its environmental impact and augment its sanitary/operating standards; Rehabilitation and extension of waste collection and transport system needed to improve the operating efficiency; Reconstruction of the existing operation center of the utility in Khorog. Technical Assistance: the Project Implementation Unit Support will assist the utility and the City of Khorog in the implementation of the Project, including design, procurement, contract administration, engineering supervision, financial control and project management/reporting; the Corporate Development Programme will strengthen the institutional capacity at the city/utility level and raise corporate governance standards by supporting operational and financial improvements; the Stakeholder Participation Programme will build awareness among the population about the benefits associated with timely collection and disposal of solid waste. Results Expected results: Construction of a new landfill compartment with soil excavation and profiling of the extension area, baseline-sealing system of extension area, leachate and gas drain system. Construction of operational facilities at the landfill. Closure of existing dumpsite. Procurement of new containers and rehabilitation of waste container platforms. Refurbishment and extension of waste collection point network. Procurement of waste collection vehicles and other related equipment. Refurbishment of the garage (operation yard, workshop, sanitary rooms). Construction of a fuel station at the garage. Procurement and installation of accounting and billing systems. Accounting and reporting compliant with IAS and IFRS. Tariff methodology adopted, which ensures cost recovery within affordability limits. Public service contract agreed and signed with the City and the Company. Subsidy mechanism in place for poorest population. |