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Kosovo Project Notice - Wastewater Treatment Plant Gjakova With Kfw

Project Notice

PNR 10969
Project Name Wastewater Treatment Plant Gjakova with KfW
Project Detail SECO is entering with this project the domain of wastewater treatment by cofinancing the construction of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Gjakova with KfW. Background While about 65% of the urban population in Kosovo is connected to the sewage network, only one small wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for a capacity of about 10’000 Population Equivalents (PE), which was implemented with EU funding, is operated in Skenderaj. Therefore, the vast majority of wastewater remains untreated and is discharged directly into rivers severely affecting the water quality, human health and environment. There is little awareness of the situation in the population and until now there have been only limited investments into infrastructure for wastewater collection and treatment. Objectives The main objectives of the project are protection of water resources and improvement of the living conditions of the population in Gjakova and in the downstream localities. Medium-term outcomes The outcome is to establish reliable and hygienic water sanitation systems at cost-recovery and socially acceptable price (less than 5% of the average income of an household in Kosovo - 422 Euro/month -) and commercially sustainable utilities within a functioning and adequate institutional and regulatory framework. The Project will also contribute to the overall economic development of the target region. To ensure the sustainability of the Project and the attainment of the aforementioned objectives, the Gjakova regional water utility will receive assistance in the fields of corporate development, public relations, policy dialogue and regulatory aspects. Results Expected results: Investment measures: Replacement and repair/construction of the sewage network- Construction of a main transmission line to the envisaged WWTP- Construction of a WWTP.Accompanying measures: Corporate development- Public relations- Policy dialogue / regulatory aspects.
Funded By Swiss Economic Cooperation and Development
Sector Water and Sanitation
Country Kosovo , Eastern Europe
Project Value EUR 10,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Cooperation Office SDC Pristina
Address Swiss Cooperation Office Street RENE DEKARTI, number 11 10000 Pristina Phone +381 38 248 091 / 092
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