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Denmark Procurement News Notice - 91198

Procurement News Notice

PNN 91198
Work Detail Company carries out analysis in North Sea and Baltic on behalf of Danish transmission operator Energinet Intertek has carried out a risk assessment for five offshore wind export cables in the North Sea and the Baltic on behalf of Danish transmission operator Energinet. The cables will connect offshore wind energy from the North Sea 1, Kattegat, and Kriegers Flak 2 wind farms to the Danish mainland. The comprehensive risk assessment will help ensure subsea cable safety and long-term reliability, Intertek said. Intertek Metoc conducted an initial assessment of analysis of threats and assessed the related risks to the integrity of the subsea cables’ lifetime operation. Utilising bathymetric, geophysical and geotechnical route survey data provided by the client, along with vessel and fishing data, Intertek’s experts evaluated potential threats and their impacts along the cable routes. The Cable Burial Risk Assessment also included recommendations for sufficient burial depths to mitigate identified risks, such as interaction with fishing gear or ship anchors, ensuring the long-term reliability and safety of the subsea cables. As part of the work scope, Intertek Metoc provided a high-level Burial Assessment Study (BAS). This study evaluated various cable installation methods to determine the most effective approach for ensuring the cables’ protection and performance. The BAS considered factors such as seabed conditions to determine the installation efficiency of various subsea power cable tools, providing a high-level strategy for cable installation. Intertek Metoc’s head of site characterisation and engineering Dr. Andrew Page said: “We are delighted to have been selected by Energinet to continue our long-term relationship providing expert assurance services for critical offshore wind connections. “It is exciting to be working on critical projects such as these and contributing our expertise to support the acceleration of energy transition efforts in the region.” Energinet senior project manager Roger Christensen said: “At Energinet we are pleased to have had Intertek supporting our project. “Intertek has brought expertise in subsea cable projects, demonstrating good flexibility during its performance and integrating survey data with the risk study.”
Country Denmark , Western Europe
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 27 Feb 2025

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