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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 91170

Procurement News Notice

PNN 91170
Work Detail The national government has announced an investment of 12.7 billion pesos for the modernization of Las Higueras airport, with the aim of adapting it for the operation of the F-16 aircraft purchased from Denmark. The first units of the fleet will arrive at the Río Cuarto Material Area during this year, while all the aircraft are expected to be operational by 2026. Among the main planned works is the re-adaptation of the Beaconing System, with a budget of 500 million pesos. This work, currently in the bidding process, includes the replacement of cables in the primary and secondary circuits, the installation of new regulators, as well as the incorporation of low-consumption LED lights on the taxiway edges, apron and runway thresholds. In addition, the installation of mandatory vertical aeronautical signage is planned. The modernization will also include the rehabilitation of the runways pavement, which is 2,260 meters long, as well as improvements to its margins and the expansion of the runways to optimize aircraft turns. The work is expected to begin on June 3 and be completed on September 3, 2025. The project is financed by Aeropuertos Argentina and has been approved by the National Airport System Regulatory Body (ORSNA), within the framework of the planning established in the current concession. However, the remodeling of Tandil airport has been left out of the 2025 program due to the lack of budget and commercial traffic to justify the investment. On the other hand, the Argentine Air Force will carry out a training program for the pilots who will operate the F-16s, many of whom already have experience in IA-63 Pampa aircraft. In total, 18 single-seat and 8 two-seat aircraft have been acquired, whose operating cost ranges between 10,000 and 20,000 dollars per flight hour, considering fuel, support crew and maintenance of variable components. The renovations at Las Higueras Airport are key to the operation of this new fleet and to the modernization of the countrys aeronautical infrastructure, in line with the strategic needs of the Argentine Air Force.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Airports & Aviation
Entry Date 27 Feb 2025

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