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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 91158

Procurement News Notice

PNN 91158
Work Detail The Municipality of Luján de Cuyo held the opening of envelopes for the bidding process for the expansion and construction of the Santa Elena compact water treatment plant. This project, which will be financed with the Industrial Promotion Compensation Funds, will have an instantaneous flow of treated water of 25 liters per second and seeks to improve the supply of service in the region. The opening ceremony was held at the municipalitys Procurement and Contracting office, located in Carrodilla. The meeting was attended by the Director of Legal Affairs of the Undersecretariat of Infrastructure and Territorial Development. The official budget for the project is $650,240,000 and includes the design, construction and assembly of the water treatment plant, including civil, electromechanical and hydraulic works necessary for its optimal operation. Luján de Cuyo, in its role as sub-executor of the Compensation Funds, is in charge of the tender due to its responsibility in providing water and sanitation services in the area. From now on, the process of evaluating the submitted offers will begin. In parallel, the municipality also opened the envelopes for the bidding of home connections and micro-metering of drinking water in various basins of the region, including Vistalba, Carrodilla, Mayor Drummond and the City of Luján. In this case, four offers were presented to carry out the renewal of home connections and the installation of 1,500 meters with remote measurement and 7,500 analog meters. In addition, next week the opening of envelopes for two other water projects in the municipality of Maipú is planned, while the General Department of Irrigation will hold the opening ceremony for the modernization of the Calise Canal irrigation system in the Upper Tunuyán River on February 25. SANTA ELENA COMPACT WATER TREATMENT PLANT – VISTALBA BASIN Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: LUJÁN DE CUYO MUNICIPALITY Tender No: 1015/25 Location: Province of Mendoza Opening date: 02/21/2025 Official budget: $ 650,240,000.00 Offers submitted Genco SA Hugo del Carmen Ojeda Green SA
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 27 Feb 2025

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