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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 91112

Procurement News Notice

PNN 91112
Work Detail A resolution authorizes the company Coral Energy Consulting to act as the generating agent for said park. The Argentine Energy Secretary, María Carmen Tettamanti, has authorized, through the signing of Resolution 89/2025, the entry of the company Coral Consultoría en Energía as a generating agent of the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) for its Bandera I photovoltaic park, of 20 MW, located in the department of Belgrano, in the province of Santiago del Estero. Therefore, the plant is authorized to serve the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI) “on the 33 kV Medium Voltage Line of the Bandera Transformer Station, under the jurisdiction of the Electric Energy Transmission Company for Trunk Distribution of the Argentine Northwest, Sociedad Anónima (TRANSNOA SA). As usual, the Wholesale Electricity Market Administration Company (CAMMESA) is instructed that the additional costs incurred by other MEM agents and the penalties to be paid by the providers of the Technical Transport Function (FTT) arising from possible unavailability due to the entry authorized by this act, be charged to the company.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 27 Feb 2025

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