Work Detail |
At the Government Headquarters in Rosario, the envelopes were opened for the tender for the first stage of the Detention Center for High Profile Inmates in Penitentiary Unit No. 11 in Piñero. The work, which has an official budget of $109,828,291,188.24, has a term of execution of 18 months and seeks to reinforce the penitentiary infrastructure of the province. The new facility will have the capacity to house 1,152 inmates and will consist of four mini-penalties. Each of them will include six pavilions distributed over two floors, with 48 individual cells per pavilion, reaching a total of 288 cells per unit. The design aims to ensure greater control over inmates, especially those who are highly dangerous. The provincial government stressed that the construction of this prison is part of a comprehensive security plan, which seeks to improve the conditions of the penitentiary system and limit the operational capacity of criminal organizations within detention units. In this regard, they stressed the importance of having adequate facilities to prevent inmates from continuing to commit crimes while in prison. The contract will be awarded in the coming weeks, once the technical and financial proposals have been analyzed. This initiative represents a significant step in the modernization of the Santa Fe prison system and in strengthening security in the region. EXTENSION OF PENITENTIARY UNIT N° 8 – HIGH PROFILE PIÑERO. CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR PENITENTIARY MODULES Type of Work: Architectural Works Client: Infrastructure Executing Unit Location: Province of Santa Fe Publication date: 02/07/2025 Official budget: $ 109,828,291,188.24 Offers submitted ENG. PEDRO MINERVINO SA: $97,978,230,267.72 PECAM SA: $97,991,874,089.88 EDECA SA: $97,994,248,310.72 DYSCON SA: $99,745,673,187.12 DINALE SA: $99,989,080,661.24 PIRÁMIDE CONSTRUCTORA SA: $105,782,769,569.28 COEMYC SA: $105,782,797,552.68 POSE SA: $106,253,281,010.72 MUNDO CONSTRUCCIONES SA: $107,328,911,310.00 TECSA SA: $108,808,197,941.68 WERK CONSTRUCTORA: $109,552,670,782.80 DEL SOL CONSTRUCTORA SA: $109,592,001,763.56 EPRECO SRL: $109,595,982,601.08 DE PAOLI & TROSCE CONSTRUCTORA SRL: $109,828,292.00 SANIMAT SA: $115,044,895,720.96 COCYAR SA – PILATTI SA – UP PIÑERO (UT): $115,542,472,469.72 CAPITEL SA: $119,995,719,406.33 CENTRO CONSTRUCCIONES SA: $135,476,357,102.64 |