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Chile Procurement News Notice - 90751

Procurement News Notice

PNN 90751
Work Detail The Environmental Superintendency (SMA) presents a set of steps to follow and actions to be taken by the owners of 751 photovoltaic projects. Chiles Environmental Superintendency (SMA) has issued instructions to the owners of 751 photovoltaic projects to implement preventive measures against the risk of fires, especially in the south of the country, where high temperatures and active fire outbreaks are recorded. The actions requested include the control of vegetation and combustible elements, the creation of firebreaks and the restriction of the use of machinery that could cause fires. The SMA has emphasized the need to maintain control of vegetation and other combustible materials within photovoltaic installations. It also requests that the use of machinery or equipment that may generate sparks or heat sources be restricted, as well as ensuring that the perimeter firebreak strips are enabled and in optimal conditions. Project owners are also required to activate response protocols and immediately notify the Fire Department and the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) in the event of detecting fire outbreaks. They are also required to keep telephone contact records up to date, especially in remote-controlled facilities, and to strengthen coordination with the competent state agencies in emergencies. Projects that have an Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA) must keep their Contingency Prevention Plans and Emergency Plans updated on the SMA platforms. In addition, they are required to report any notice, contingency or incident through the Environmental Monitoring System. Currently, the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred) maintains a red alert for the Araucanía Region and several communes of Ñuble and Biobío, while in other areas of OHiggins, Maule and Biobío a yellow alert is in effect.
Country Chile , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 15 Feb 2025

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