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United States Procurement News Notice - 90015

Procurement News Notice

PNN 90015
Work Detail The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has decided not to proceed with an award in the states fourth offshore wind solicitation, according to its president, Christine Guhl-Sadovy. There were three initial bidders in the fourth solicitation. However, two bidders withdrew, and only Atlantic Shores submitted a best and final offer, she stated. Guhl-Sadovy cited several reasons for the decision, including Shells withdrawal as an equity partner in the Atlantic Shores project and its retreat from the United States clean energy market. She also pointed to uncertainties related to federal actions and permitting. Despite the many benefits the industry offers to the state, the Board concluded that awarding a contract at this time would not be a responsible decision, she said.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 07 Feb 2025

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