Work Detail |
The government of Tucumán has announced that 2025 will be a year of strong investment in public works, with the aim of boosting the economy and generating employment, especially in the construction sector. To this end, new authorities have been appointed in key areas such as the Provincial Institute of Housing and Urban Development (Ipvdu), the Provincial Service of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Sepapys) and the Provincial Water Directorate (DPA). In the Ipvdu, priority will be given to the completion of housing under construction and the acceleration of new projects, including the mega housing project Procrear II Tucumán, which includes the construction of 3,000 homes. This project, which had been defunded by the national government and taken over by the province, seeks to respond to the housing needs of thousands of Tucuman families. Management will focus on efficiency and closeness to the people, seeking to meet the objective of “own roofs.” In Sepapys, the focus will be on ensuring the supply of drinking water in rural communities in the deep interior of the province, where the provincial water company does not reach. Priority will be given to drilling wells and maintaining existing infrastructure, guaranteeing access to this basic service for the most remote communities. The aim is to have an active service 365 days a year to meet the needs of the population. The DPA will focus on flood prevention and water resource management. Pre-rain programmes will be carried out, teams will be organised to channel rivers and drains, and defences will be built to protect populations from river floods. The aim is to minimise the impact of climatic events and ensure peoples safety. In short, the provincial government seeks to boost public works in 2025, focusing on the construction of housing, the provision of drinking water and flood prevention. New authorities have been appointed in the Ipvdu, Sepapys and DPA to carry out these objectives. The news does not mention specific construction companies that will participate in the works, but it does refer to the generation of employment for Uocra workers, which implies the participation of companies in the construction sector. |