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United States Procurement News Notice - 88467

Procurement News Notice

PNN 88467
Work Detail Vineyard Wind, the largest operating wind farm in the US, has started generating power again after a six-month halt due to a blade breaking and falling into the water. A blade from one of the planned 62 turbines suffered damage and broke back in July last year leading to a total shutdown of the project. Beaches nearby were strewn with fibreglass shards and green and white foam. After an investigation immediately after the incident, the manufacturer of the damaged blade, GE Vernova, revealed that the problem was faulty manufacturing, not a design flaw. In October 2024, the manufacturer stated that it would remove several blades from the Vineyard Wind project after completing quality checks of all blades, although it was not revealed how many. On Friday, the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement lifted a suspension order allowing the wind farm to restart production and continue construction. It did come with several strings attached. Namely, BSEE ordered that Vineyard Wind can’t use any blades made at GE Vernova’s scandal-hit facility in Gaspe, Canada. All blades produced there must be removed as similar defects to the one that caused the blade break were found on other blades produced at the facility. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management said Vineyard Wind and GE Vernova must demonstrate that all new blades are fit for service, and ensure the blade monitoring system is functioning properly and will shut down if blade damage happens in the future. Vineyard Wind submitted a new operation and construction plan to BOEM in December. The Bureau approved this on Friday via a 123-page document. One of the main provisions in the plan is the removal of blades from a maximum of 22 turbines. The blades in question were made in the GE Vernova Canadian facility and were installed before the blade broke. New blades will be made at GE Vernova’s plant in France where a certification verification agent must witness the manufacturing of all of the new blades, including the application of adhesives that were cited as one of the issues with the broken blade. Another provision of the new plan is an external inspection via drone or rope access within six months of the new blades being installed.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 24 Jan 2025

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