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Peru Procurement News Notice - 88097

Procurement News Notice

PNN 88097
Work Detail At the request of the company Zelestra Perú, the project called “San Joaquín Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant”, to be located in the district of La Joya, province and department of Arequipa, is planned to be connected to the National Electric System. The General Directorate of Environmental Affairs of Electricity, which depends on the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru, has decided to approve the environmental assessment of the project called San Joaquín Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant, of 104.3 MWac, 124 MWp, to be located in the district of La Joya, province and department of Arequipa, which is planned to be connected to the National Electric System (SEIN). In Directorial Resolution No. 0016-2025-MINEM/DGAAE it can be read that the project proposes 670 Wp, bifacial monocrystalline photovoltaic modules, mounted on structures with single-axis tracking, and 116.6 MVA of installed power of inverters, model Sungrow SG1100UD (1100 kVA). The energy generated will also be transformed and evacuated through 33 kV underground lines to the San Martín substation, where it will be raised to 220 kV to be integrated into the SEIN through an existing 220 kV transmission line to the SET San José 220 kV extension. The project will cover an area of ??197.83 hectares and will have 14 power stations, internal roads and perimeter fencing. Zelestra Perú is the subsidiary in the country of the Spanish company Zelestra, formerly known as Solarpack. The company is building the 300 MW San Martín plant in Peru . In September of last year, meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mines granted Zelestra Peru a temporary concession to develop feasibility studies for three photovoltaic plants, two of 150 MW, both to be located in the department of Tacna, and one of 100 MW, in the department of Moquegua .
Country Peru , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 22 Jan 2025

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