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India Procurement News Notice - 87976

Procurement News Notice

PNN 87976
Work Detail The petition filed by POWERGRID Bhadla Bikaner Transmission Limited (formerly Bhadla-III & Bikaner-III Transmission Limited) seeks the adoption of transmission charges for the transmission system strengthening project aimed at interconnecting the Bhadla-III and Bikaner-III complexes. The project will be implemented on a Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer (BOOT) basis. The petition includes a request for the adoption of the transmission charges, the sharing and recovery of those charges, and any further orders that may be deemed appropriate under the Electricity Act, 2003. The project aims to enhance the transmission infrastructure, including the establishment of high-voltage lines, switchable line reactors, and associated infrastructure at the Bhadla-III and Bikaner-III substations. The scheduled completion date for these elements is set for August 30, 2026. The successful implementation of this project will support the efficient evacuation of power from the renewable energy zones in Rajasthan. The bidding process for the transmission project was conducted following the Ministry of Power’s guidelines for tariff-based competitive bidding. The process involved multiple stages, including a request for proposals, technical and financial evaluations, and an e-reverse auction. Four bidders participated in the auction, with Power Grid Corporation of India Limited emerging as the lowest bidder, quoting an annual transmission charge of ?979.70 million. This charge was lower than the levelized tariff estimated by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) norms, which was ?1,227.37 million per annum. The Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) confirmed the transparency and competitiveness of the bidding process and recommended the adoption of the discovered transmission charge. The committee’s evaluation also affirmed that Power Grid Corporation of India Limited was the successful bidder. A Letter of Intent (LoI) was issued to the company on August 1, 2024, and the necessary formalities were completed by the end of August 2024. The transmission charges discovered through this process will be adopted for the entire duration of the Transmission Service Agreement (TSA). These charges will remain fixed, and any sharing of these charges will follow CERC’s regulations for the sharing of inter-state transmission charges. The project will play a crucial role in strengthening the transmission network for the evacuation of renewable energy, supporting India’s transition towards cleaner energy sources. Additionally, the name of the petitioner company was changed to “POWERGRID Bhadla Bikaner Transmission Limited” as per the certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies in December 2024. The company has now formally applied for the adoption of the transmission charges, and the Commission has approved the charges based on the successful bidding process. The CERC has concluded that the tariff discovered through the bidding process is acceptable, and the transmission charges of ?979.70 million per annum will be applicable throughout the period specified in the TSA. The Commission has also ensured that the charges are in line with market conditions and reflect the costs associated with the project.
Country India , Southern Asia
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 21 Jan 2025

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