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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 87431

Procurement News Notice

PNN 87431
Work Detail The city of Reconquista, province of Santa Fe, is moving forward with the “Reconquista Solar Community” project through Public Tender No. 19/2024. The main objective is the acquisition, installation and commissioning of a photovoltaic solar system in the citys New Industrial Park. From a construction perspective, the work involves the provision, installation and commissioning of a solar photovoltaic system. Although the news does not detail the technical specifications of the system (such as the number of solar panels, the installed power, the type of inverters or the mounting system), it is understood that this is a large-scale installation intended to provide energy to the industrial park. This type of project usually includes: Photovoltaic solar panels: Panels that convert sunlight into electrical energy. Technical details (cell type, efficiency, etc.) are not specified. Inverters: Devices that transform the direct current generated by the panels into alternating current, suitable for industrial consumption. Support structure: Elements that support the panels, which can be fixed or with solar tracking to optimize light capture. Wiring and connections: Wiring systems and electrical protections to transport the generated energy. Monitoring system: Equipment to control the operation and production of the photovoltaic system. This project will solve the need to provide energy to the New Industrial Park of Reconquista in a sustainable way. The implementation of a photovoltaic solar system has the following advantages: Clean and renewable energy: Reduces dependence on fossil fuels and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Reduction of energy costs: In the long term, generating solar energy from ones own sources reduces electricity costs for companies in the industrial park. Promoting sustainable development: It encourages the establishment of environmentally conscious companies and promotes the image of Reconquista as a city committed to sustainability. Infrastructure for new businesses: Provides the industrial park with modern and attractive energy infrastructure for the installation of new industries. Three bids were submitted for Public Tender No. 19/2024 at the opening of the envelopes, but the news does not specify the names of the bidding companies. In addition to the installation of the photovoltaic system, the tender also includes the implementation of communication and dissemination strategies for the project and capacity building, which suggests a component of training and awareness on the use of renewable energies. Envelope No. 1: Belongs to TBM INGENIERIA SAS, CUIT No. 30-71668746-1, with address at Calle 28 No. 428, Avellaneda City, Province of Santa Fe. Offer: $ 133,586,900.12. Envelope No. 2: Belongs to Desarrollos de Equipos Industriales SA, CUIT No. 30-70033782-7, with address at Juan López Caula 2875, Rafaela City, Province of Santa Fe. Offer: $ 114,800,000.00. Alternative offer: $98,400,000.00. Envelope No. 3: Belongs to Proyección Electroluz SRL, CUIT No. 30-60127190-3 with address at Calle Patricio Diez 175, in the city of Reconquista, Province of Santa Fe. Offer: $145,000,000.00. Alternative offer: $118,820,000.00. We remind you that, subsequently, the Evaluation Committee will analyze each offer in a comprehensive manner (not only its economic aspect) to issue the corresponding award decree. SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION STRATEGIES OF THE PROJECT AND CAPACITY BUILDING Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: MUNICIPALITY OF RECONQUISTA Tender No: 19/2024 Location: Province of Santa Fe Opening date: 01/10/2025 Official budget: $ 137,669,221.14
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 15 Jan 2025

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