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UT Lemiro Petroboni SA, SE.MI.SA, Cocivial SA budgeted $39.811 million pesos. The rest quoted the works well above the number estimated by the government. The opening ceremony of the envelopes took place on Friday, December 20 at the Santo Tomé Amphitheater. Photo: Fernando Nicola Although it is premature to talk about “winners,” given that the envelopes with the economic proposals of the ten companies that will participate in the bidding for the construction of the new Santa Fe – Santo Tomé bridge promoted by the provincial government were just opened this Friday, the numbers are a clear indicator of where the decision of the Ministry of Public Works could be directed. Public tender for the new Santa Fe – Santo Tomé bridge. Opening of envelopes December 20, 2024 Residents of the city of Santo Tomé opened the first two construction proposals. Photo: Fernando Nicola The truth is that on Friday night, just before the end of the bidding process, which took place at the Martín Miguel de Güemes Amphitheater in Santo Tomé, the tenth proposal was the winner, since it fits the number that -at November 2024 values- was proposed by the Government of Santa Fe. In an open-air event, the Province tendered the new Santa Fe – Santo Tomé bridge. It is the UT Lemiro Petroboni SA, SE.MI.SA, Cocivial SA, which budgeted for $ 39,811,464,459.07, when the official appraisal is set at $ 37,589,125,618.46, as reported precisely this Saturday by the Province. In other words, the temporary union formed by three nationally renowned construction companies turned out to be the closest to the budget promoted by the Santa Fe Executive. The full list Further back was a platoon of six UTs that budgeted above 40,000 million and below 50,000 million: – JCR SA and Luis Losi SA, with $ 43,864,057,530.30; -Astori Constructions SA and Mundo Constructions SA, for $ 44,216,887,463.22. -Supercemento Saic, Obring SA and Edeca SA, for $ 44,297,702,808.76; -José Chediack – Milicic SA, for $45,000,000,000; -Eleprint SA, Construmex SA and Tecsa SA, for $49,498,126,234.40; -Rovella Carranza SA, for $ 49,565,548,117.75. Tendering for the new Santa Fe-Santo Tomé bridge. Photo: Fernando Nicola. On a giant screen, each of the economic proposals of the bidding companies. Photo: Fernando Nicola Further afield are Werk Constructora SRL, Del Sol Constructora SA, Rinaudo Compañía Constructora SRL and Rovial SA, for $51,952,871,424.82; Boetto SA, Pablo Federico e Hijos SA and Pilatti SA, for $58,505,398,873.36; and the highest of all was quoted by UT Coemyc SA, Cocyar SA and Ángel Boscarino SA, which set values ??at $60,968,885,245.96. |