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Germany Procurement News Notice - 85564

Procurement News Notice

PNN 85564
Work Detail Vattenfall project will be largest in the German North Sea Germanys Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has granted planning approval for Vattenfalls 1GW Nordlicht 1 offshore wind farm. The project is located North of Borkum in the west of Germanys exclusive economic zone, and will consist of a total of 68 15MW turbines. The project will be the largest offshore wind farm in German waters, and will feature monopile foundations at a water depth of 36 to 38 meters. The planned turbines have a rotor diameter of 236 meters. The electricity generated will be fed into the BorWin Kappa converter platform via the NOR-7-2 grid connection system. In August, Vattenfall and steel producer Salzgitter signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for 75MW for a period of 15 years. The PPA is equivalent to 300 gigawatt hours of electricity annually for steelmaking processes. Vattenfall has lined up Vestas to supply V236-15.0MW turbines for the project.
Country Germany , Western Europe
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 21 Dec 2024

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