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United States Procurement News Notice - 8371

Procurement News Notice

PNN 8371
Work Detail The Leitchfield Utilities Commission on Thursday, Sept. 1 approved a $10,500 project to replace a water tower telemetry system. During its regular meeting on Sept. 1, the Utilities Commission discussed the need for the replacement of the telemetry system, which transmits water tower levels to the water plant to keep track of how much water is in each tower. Leitchfield Utilities’ original three-site telemetry system was installed with the 1984 water plant upgrade by Micro-com out of Kansas. According to a report, the system became obsolete 15 years ago but has been maintained by using on-hand spare parts. In 2006, two of the three original telemetry system sites went down and were replaced by HTI Inc., out of Horse Branch, according to Leitchfield Utilities Superintendent Dwight Embry. Recently, the third and final original telemetry system site went down, cannot be repaired, and is need of replacement by HTI at the cost of $10,500, Embry said. After discussion, the Utilities Commission approved having the third and final original telemetry system site replaced by HTI. This will ensure that all three telemetry system sites are once again on the same system, Embry said. In other business: *The Utilities Commission discussed engineering services for the Leitchfield Water Treatment Plant upgrade/expansion project. No action was taken, however, because Utilities officials are exploring financing options. *The Utilities Commission entered executive session to discuss personnel. In executive session, Leitchfield Utilities Chairman Robert Crawford said, the Utilities Commission approved an employee’s use of the city sick bank for up to six weeks. Additionally, the Utilities Commission discussed an employee whom has been off from work and is unable to return, so her employment was terminated by Leitchfield Utilities, Crawford said.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Water & Sanitation
Entry Date 15 Oct 2016

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