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A PLUS size model from Westbury has hit the big time after landing a modelling contract with a national clothing company. Kaytee Symes has been shooting the autumn and winter collection for Yours clothing this week after securing the job only a few weeks ago by taking part in their #faceofyours competition. Much to her surprise, the 25-year-old said: “I was literally scrolling through Facebook and saw the competition where you have to post a photo and they would pick someone. “I just thought go for it because I have done a lot of things out of my comfort zone recently. I completely forgot about it and thought nothing was going to happen. “They contacted me and said I had been shortlisted. They were all lush and I had to put two outfits on, one of which was a black dress and I had all of my tattoos showing which I thought they wouldn’t like. I’m just a girl next door but when they asked for us to do a catwalk, I felt really sexy. “When they said I was chosen and I didn''t know if it was a joke or not”. Earlier this year Miss Symes, who is originally from Warminster, was crowned Miss Lady Ink UK for her impressive tattoos?and since then, she said she has learnt to love her curves and hopes others follow suit. She said: “When people say plus size, they mean size 12 and up and the amount of times I have bought clothes thinking they would fit and look like the model but I ended up looking like a sausage coming out of its skin. But with this contract I feel like an absolute rock star and I just feel so confident. I have never had any problems with my tattoos being out at work and I thought with modelling I would have to go down an alternative look, maybe model some lingerie but now with this I''m glad I''ve crossed the border of mainstream modelling with tattoos. A lot of people think plus size models aren''t healthy or fit but I play sports weekly. My thought is that if you are healthy and happy then that is the main thing. I''ve just learnt not to care and to love instead. If people say a size two is beautiful then at a size 22 I must be even more loveable.” Miss Symes will now feature in Yours clothing’s campaign shoots including their Autumn Forest, Halloween, Outwear and Christmas Party themes. |