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Various Countries Procurement News Notice - 83024

Procurement News Notice

PNN 83024
Work Detail On November 7, 2024, AP Renewables Inc. (APRI), the geothermal arm of Aboitiz Power, and Aboitiz Renewables Inc. (ARI) signed an EPC contract with Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co., Ltd. (SDEPCI). The agreement paves the way for the construction of the Bay Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Project in Barangay Bitin, Bay, Laguna. This innovative project will add a hybrid battery system to APRI’s Makban geothermal plant. It’s designed to provide fast support to the Luzon Grid during peak demand and unexpected power outages, boosting the reliability of APRI’s energy portfolio. President Jeffrey Estrella, APRI President, stated, “We are excited to be the host of this new investment. It contributes to the country’s energy transition and brings additional value to our host communities.” Alex Coo, ARI’s COO, also mentioned,“The Bay BESS Project is a groundbreaking milestone, being the first-ever BESS and geothermal hybrid system in the Philippines.” Sun Ligang, SDEPCI Vice President, said, “Commits to provide a good performance guarantee for the Bay BESS Project as it also marks a significant project for the Philippines.” In his closing remarks, ARI President Jimmy Villaroman showcased AboitizPower’s ongoing renewable energy projects, emphasizing that the energy transition requires collaboration and shared commitment to overcome challenges and achieve common goals. SDEPCI, a global leader in engineering and power plant system design, brings expertise from successful EPC projects in countries like Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Vietnam, and more. The Bay BESS Project is poised to drive regional economic growth by fostering industrial expansion, creating jobs, and supporting local businesses. By ensuring a reliable power supply for Luzon’s trade and industry sectors, the project contributes to sustainable economic activity, higher tax revenues, and enhanced public services. This initiative reflects APRI’s commitment to building lasting partnerships with host communities, aiming to improve economic opportunities and overall quality of life in the region.
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 23 Nov 2024

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