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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 81717

Procurement News Notice

PNN 81717
Work Detail Public Tender No. 08/24. The official budget for the “Construction of the New Building for the Hernández Justice of the Peace Court” is 282 million pesos. The execution period will be nine months. Due to the interest generated by the call for tenders, the opening of the envelopes, which was scheduled to take place at the Office of Purchases and Advice, was finally held in the Meeting Room of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), located on the third floor of the Courts of Paraná. This facilitated the presence of the representatives of the bidding firms, who saw the opening of the envelopes and signed the corresponding minutes. After verifying compliance with the required documentation in Envelope No. 1 - receipt of purchase of specifications, surety insurance policy, Certificate of Annual Contracting Capacity of the Provincial Registry of Contractors of Works and Services and Cost Variations, and certification of signatures by a notary public -, the economic offers were known in the following order: Del Litoral Obras, Servicios y Montajes SA: 265,513,584.67 pesos; Cooperativa de Trabajo Horizonte, de Chajarí: 314,122,706.64 pesos; COVI SAS Constructora: 255,597,496.52 pesos; Supermod SAS: 236,969,493.78 pesos; Ernesto R. Hormus SA: 253,706,816.45; Antolín Fernández SA: 319,676,864.25 pesos; Cimbra Constructora SA: 275,485,917.93 pesos; and El Super de la Construcción SRL: 257,835,918.25 pesos. The envelopes were opened in the presence of the General Treasurer of the Judiciary, Pablo Dayub; the head of the Office of Purchases and Advice, Cecilia Piloni; the head of the Judicial Architecture Directorate, Diana Zilli; and the intervention of the auditors of the Court of Accounts of the province, María Laura Rodríguez and Georgina Toso, and the head of the Secretariat of Superintendence No. 2, Esteban Simón. Also present was the president of the STJ, member Leonardo Portela. The project, with an official budget of 282,083,610.81 pesos, was prepared based on local market prices in effect last June. It will be built on a 375 m2 plot of land located on Belgrano Street S/N, which was donated by the Municipality of Hernández, for the exclusive use of the Judiciary of Entre Ríos. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW BUILDING FOR THE HERNÁNDEZ JUSTICE COURT Download Document Print Version Type of Work: Architectural Works Client: Judicial Branch of Entre Ríos Tender No: 08/2024 Location: Entre Ríos Province Opening date: 06/11/2024 at 10:00 AM Official budget: $ 282,083,610.81 Offers submitted Del Litoral Works, Services and Assemblies SA: $ 265,513,584.67 Horizonte Work Cooperative, of Chajarí: $ 314,122,706.64 COVI SAS Construction Company: $ 255,597,496.52 Supermod SAS: $ 236,969,493.78 Ernesto R. Hormus SA: $ 253,706,816.45 Antolín Fernández SA: $ 319,676,864.25 Cimbra Construction Company SA: $ 275,485,917.93 El Super de la Construcción SRL: $ 257,835,918.25 Source:
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 11 Nov 2024

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