Work Detail |
Capital Agreement: The paving of Larrea Street will be put out to tender on Wednesday.
The investment will be 1,290 million pesos and the construction period will be 6 months. There are 12 blocks of Larrea Street, between Av. Blas Parera and Av. Peñaloza.
— LT9 News Division
The government of the province of Santa Fe called for bids for the paving of 12 blocks of Larrea Street, between Blas Parera and Peñaloza avenues, within the framework of the works announced in the Capital Agreement. In this sector there is currently an improved road and curb with a high degree of deterioration, and where partial flooding occurs after days of rain.
The official budget will be $1,290,070,442 and the construction period will be 6 months. The opening of bids is scheduled for this Wednesday at the Municipal Garden of Las Flores neighborhood, located in Infantry Regiment 12 and Europe, at 2 p.m.
Capital Agreement
This tender will be the second of six works announced within the framework of the Capital Agreement. On September 25, the Minister of Public Works, Lisandro Enrico, together with the Mayor of Santa Fe, Juan Pablo Poletti, led the act of opening the envelopes for the tender for the work to improve the central flowerbed of Juan José Paso Avenue, in the south of the city, which will require an investment of close to 1.5 billion pesos.
Enrico stressed that “with a lot of budgetary effort, the government of Santa Fe is present in the city of Santa Fe”, and regarding the tasks in the capital city, he explained that “we have planned some works that the Municipality understood to be important: this is the first one, and at the end of next month we are going to open the envelopes for the work on Larrea Avenue; and then we will continue with the others that were proposed in the Capital Agreement: Peñaloza Avenue, Aristóbulo del Valle Avenue and the Costanera”. However, he clarified that the province has other works underway, such as “metropolitan defense and the Garello Embankment, in which there is an approximate investment of $20,000 million, with a progress of 57% in one and 40% in the other”.
Seven bidders presented the following proposals: Conhormaq SRL offered $1,583,913,073.60; Cocyar SA quoted $2,003,881,002.63; Coemyc SA presented an offer of $1,797,940,557.65; Mundo Construcciones SA quoted $1,441,226,304.34; EFE Construcciones SRL did so for $1,529,717,255.22; Hormigonera del Litoral SA offered $1,498,665,885; and Capitel SA did so for $2,108,371,688.46.
The works to be carried out on JJ Paso Avenue have an official budget of close to $1.5 billion and a deadline of 240 days. The work covers 7 sections of 870 meters in length between Dr. Zavalla and 1° de Mayo streets, consolidating the integral character of Paso Avenue as one of the main access routes to the city, and also as a point of integration between the neighborhoods it links. |