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South Africa Procurement News Notice - 77020

Procurement News Notice

PNN 77020
Work Detail Bernice Swarts, Deputy Minister for Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, opened the ISWA World Congress in Cape Town on Monday, emphasising the importance of recycling in setting up South Africas circular economy. She also took the time to visit a new plastics recycling site in Milnerton. Speaking to ESI Africa Swarts was complimentary of the amount of work going into recycling plastic bottles and the manufacturing of new products from the recycled material. Its important for government to have public private partnerships What Petco is doing is a lot of beautiful work, because of the many products I was amazed to see being produced out of plastic bottles/ said Swarts. She was particularly amused to find out that Stoney ginger beer bottles can be turned into brown polyester and impressed by the varied products being manufactured. Swarts asked for samples to show her fellow Cabinet ministers how the circular economy works. What is [also] important is the design - what we design and who the end-user will be. If a product is designed and we cannot use it afterwards, that is also not going to assist us/ said Swarts. Find out what else the DFFE Deputy Minister had to say about the circular economy and policy development in South Africa.
Country South Africa , Southern Africa
Industry Services
Entry Date 18 Sep 2024

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