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Hungary Procurement News Notice - 75930

Procurement News Notice

PNN 75930
Work Detail On Thursday evening, the decree on securing the money necessary for the construction of the Danube Bridge in Mohács and the associated road network was published in the Magyar Közlöny . According to the law, the government set the budget for the most expensive Danube bridge in Hungary at HUF 389.3 billion. According to the plans, the largest part of the amount will be spent between 2025 and 2029. According to the decree, János Lázár can spend the first two billion HUF needed for the investment this year, reports Telex . On Thursday, the Minister of Construction and Transport VI. He brought up the bridge at the Semmelweis Summer University . The decision states that the project will be exempted from the investment freeze, with the proviso that the enterprise contract to be concluded for the purpose of implementing the investment shall be entered into force in such a way that related performance can only arise from 2025 onwards. In July, the document on the results of the procedure for the Mohács Danube Bridge and the road network was published in the European Public Procurement Journal, which revealed that the contract had already been concluded on June 21. The winning contractor was the NER entrepreneur, László Szíjj Duna Asfaltja, the company that splits public procurements took on the project for HUF 294.96 net, i.e. HUF 374 billion gross. The government also decided to provide domestic funds in the amount of 189 billion forints for the construction of the 18-kilometer section of the M49 highway from Ököritófülpös to the national border. The project can be completed in 2027, and according to them, the highway will be built for HUF 10.5 billion per kilometer. Dávid Vitézy , the former Secretary of State for Transport of the Orbán government, the mayoral candidate who lost in the June election, noted in relation to the investments that this money would cover the entire replacement of locomotives, the replacement of all outdated InterCity cars, and there would still be plenty left over for track renewal. (…) There is plenty of money in the Hungarian budget for transport development. We continue to spend only on dubious expressways and highways. From the first to the last forint. MÁV and the Hungarian railway network are therefore not rotting due to a lack of money, but due to completely wrong transport policy priorities.
Country Hungary , Central Europe
Industry Construction
Entry Date 05 Sep 2024

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