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South Africa Procurement News Notice - 74999

Procurement News Notice

PNN 74999
Work Detail A comprehensive survey conducted by Eskom, the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA), and the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) has revealed a remarkable surge in renewable energy projects seeking grid connection in South Africa. The 2024 South African Renewable Energy Grid Survey (SAREGS) found that the total capacity of projects requesting grid connection has skyrocketed by over 100%, reaching a staggering 133 GW. This unprecedented growth reflects the growing momentum behind renewable energy as a viable solution to South Africa’s energy challenges. Solar photovoltaic (PV) projects experienced the most significant increase, with a 120% surge in capacity. Wind energy projects also witnessed substantial growth, exceeding 50%. Furthermore, the survey highlighted a notable rise in battery energy storage systems (BESS), indicating a growing focus on energy storage solutions to complement renewable energy generation. The SAREGS survey underscores the immense potential of renewable energy to play a pivotal role in South Africa’s energy mix. The data will be utilized to inform grid planning and investment decisions, ensuring that the country’s infrastructure can effectively accommodate the increasing influx of renewable energy capacity. Key findings from the survey include: Exponential growth in grid connection requests: The total capacity seeking grid connection has more than doubled, from 66 GW in the previous year to 133 GW. Dominance of solar PV and wind energy: Solar PV projects witnessed a 120% increase in capacity, while wind energy projects experienced a growth of over 50%. Rising prominence of battery storage: BESS projects saw a 77% increase, reflecting the growing importance of energy storage in stabilizing the grid and optimizing renewable energy utilization. Diverse project pipeline: The survey identified projects in various stages of development, ranging from those ready for grid connection to early-stage proposals. The 2024 SAREGS survey provides invaluable insights into South Africa’s renewable energy landscape and reinforces the country’s commitment to transitioning to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
Country South Africa , Southern Africa
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 28 Aug 2024

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