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Chile Procurement News Notice - 74620

Procurement News Notice

PNN 74620
Work Detail These are data from the Chilean Association of Renewable Energy and Storage (Acera) in its latest statistical report on the renewable electricity generation sector. Solar energy leads the generation technologies. The statistical report on the renewable electricity generation sector prepared by Acera for the month of July this year shows the clear consolidation of the installed capacity of photovoltaic energy as the main technology, and a notable presence of renewable energies as a whole, which are close to 50% of the total. As a whole, Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE, which excludes conventional hydroelectric power) totals 17,989 MW of installed capacity (47.8% of the total), with an increase of 4.9% compared to the previous month. Solar photovoltaic power accounts for 10,680 MW (28.4% of the total); wind power, 5,764 MW (15.3%); run-of-the-river mini-hydroelectric power, 662 MW (1.8%); biomass, 632 MW (1.7%); solar thermal, 108 MW (0.3%); geothermal, 83 MW (0.2%); and biogas, 60 MW (0.2%). Conventional hydraulic power reaches 6,820 MW (18.1%), broken down into 3,458 MW (9.2%) of reservoir hydraulic power, and 3,362 MW (8.9%) of run-of-the-river hydraulic power. The different sources of thermal generation total 12,729 (33.9%). Total installed capacity is completed by 54 MW (0.1%) of battery storage, BESS; and 3 MW (0.0%) of the wind plus hydrogen combination. Another interesting fact in the Acera report is the one referring to the installed capacity of PMG and PMGD, which as of July 2024 correspond to 418 MW and 3,203 MW, respectively. Meanwhile, as of June of the same year, the installed capacity in the Net Billing segment corresponds to 259.5 MW, made up of 24,537 facilities distributed throughout the country.
Country Chile , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 23 Aug 2024

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