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Tanzania Procurement News Notice - 744

Procurement News Notice

PNN 744
Work Detail The 4th Tanzania Oil and Gas Suppliers’ Conference is taking place on the 1st September 2016 in Dar- Es- Salaam at Kilimanjaro Auditorium hall in (Bank of Tanzania) . Bringing together leading companies’ senior managers, representatives from related ministries, and renowned oil and gas industry experts. Tanzania Oil and Gas Suppliers Conference (TOGSC) is a platform that bring together players from the value chain together with stakeholders from the government and the oil and gas industry to discuss and engage on the different opportunities and challenges in Tanzania. In consideration of the developments, challenges and opportunities facing the oil and gas industry in meeting the growing energy needs of Tanzania region, the theme of the conference is “Fursa in Tanzania Oil Pipeline, Helium & LNG Plant” Tanzania oil and gas suppliers conference will provide the opportunity to share opinions on current local content issues in the oil and gas industry including the recent agreements between president of Tanzania John Magufuli and President Of Uganda Yoweri Museveni to build a crude oil pipeline of 1,400km which will connect Uganda’s western region near Hoima District, where big oil reserves have been discovered, with Tanzania’s port of Tanga. For the first time in Tanzania the conference will cover the subject on the discovery of the rare Helium Gas in large quantity in Tanzania which contains up to 10.6 percent helium, while the reserve is estimated to hold about 54 billion cubic feet of helium gas in total. And addressing the opportunities for Tanzanian owned and based companies to be part of its value chain as it is used in hospitals in MRI scanners, as well as in space craft, telescopes, and radiation monitors. Apart from that the conference will also address about The future of liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant construction in Lindi by Tanzanian government, analyzing the Tanzanians entrepreneurs engagement in the LGN plant constructions as well as opportunities seen in this sectors, as Tanzania being holder of East Africa’s biggest natural gas reserves after Mozambique, with the ownership of 19,000 acres at Likong’o Mchinga in Lindi that pave the way for $30 billion LNG plant. Around 200 delegates from more than 60 companies will take place in this conference, more than 20 speakers including leading experts, representatives of government bodies and directors of major oil and gas companies in Tanzania will discuss key issues in Tanzania oil pipeline, helium gas and future of the LNG plant. Tanzania stakeholders are mainly advised to participate as the conference provide the suppliers with the opportunity to talk to colleagues, to gain more knowledge in oil and gas sectors, to get new information and technologies, expanding the opportunities for collaboration in the oil and gas sector both national and international. Incepted in 2013 with more than 100 delegates and exhibitors form leading oil and gas companies in Tanzania
Country Tanzania , Eastern Africa
Industry Oil & Gas
Entry Date 02 Sep 2016

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