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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 73335

Procurement News Notice

PNN 73335
Work Detail At the time of the change of government, there were 169 public works in progress in Entre Ríos financed by the national State. All of them were affected by the decision of President Javier Milei to stop infrastructure projects in the country. Like other governors, Rogelio Frigerio signed a framework agreement with the national government. There, the works were divided into three annexes: those that will continue to be the responsibility of the Nation, those that will be transferred to the province and those that will be transferred to the municipalities. What is not assured is the financing and is still being negotiated. ANÁLISIS accessed the text of the agreement and reveals the complete list of the works. At the Government House, the transfer to the provincial sphere is not seen as good news. “The works were thrown at us,” a senior official sums up. The transfer includes the execution of the works, but not the financing. The agreement leaves open the possibility of moving forward with specific agreements on a case-by-case basis and negotiations are continuing, but everything indicates that the province will have to obtain funds to reactivate the works, choose which ones will continue and which ones will not, and negotiate the cancellation of the contracts for those that cannot be resumed. As a result, Frigerios government will have to pay the political cost of all these decisions, which ranges from the displeasure of mayors and legislators because they are not assigned any work in their territories to the eventual legal action or claims by companies whose contracts are rescinded. “Adopt the measures that are pertinent so that the province assumes the financing and/or execution, as appropriate, of the public works detailed above, whose financing and/or execution is currently the responsibility of various entities of the National Public Sector,” is indicated in the first clause of the signed agreement. It is added there that it is at the discretion of the province to terminate or resolve, as appropriate, the agreements for works whose financing and/or execution it assumes in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. Nation, province, municipalities The works that are transferred to the province are 26 and have had mixed fortunes. In the first stage, work is being done to cancel the debts with the companies, which stopped collecting the certificates in the last part of the previous administration. Cleaning up this situation is a condition for the possibility of thinking about restarting work. Planning Minister Darío Schneider told Amanece que no es poco (Radio Plaza – FM 94.7) that progress is being made on works on Route 32, access to Hasenkamp, ??Route 20, work on the Government House and other sanitation, hydraulic and school infrastructure works, including several technical schools. The reactivation of the works whose execution continues to be carried out by the Nation, which are 14, is also not assured. So far, according to what Schneider reported, the repaving work on Route 12 has been resumed in the section between Galarza and Nogoyá, by one company, and in the section from Nogoyá to Route 131, by another company. Regarding the works transferred to the municipalities, which are 129, information is being gathered with the local governments on the status of each one in order to establish a link with the Nation. The minister explained that in many cases the municipalities continued and completed the works with their own resources and are managing the recognition of these debts. Concern in the opposition Provincial deputy Juan José Bahillo (PJ) showed this week on the program Cuestión de fondo (Canal 9 Litoral) the oppositions concern on the subject. I am concerned about something that is appearing in the titles and that the governors are working on, not just Frigerio, which is the transfer of public works financed by the national government to the provinces so that the provinces can execute them, he said. «If that is a decentralization of the concrete execution of the work, it is one thing. But I would like to know what will happen with the funds. Because this decentralization of the responsibility and the roles of the national governments has already happened and has even happened in our governments, but without the corresponding allocation of funds it will put the provincial governments in crisis. So, we would not like to find out, and this is a request to the governor, that the works are transferred to us without the corresponding allocations for financing. Because the allocations are not mentioned. The transfers of the works are discussed», explained the legislator. Works transferred to the province 1-Route 20 2-Southern Access to Concordia 3-Route 32 4-Metropolitan Area Aqueduct (Colonia Avellaneda – San Benito – Oro Verde) 5-Sewer collector in Federal 6-Expansion of drains in San Salvador 7-Sewer collector in Cerrito 8-Sewer system in Colonia Elía 9-Water network in Santa Elena 10-Sewer network in Villa Urquiza 11-Replacement of pipes and drains in Seguí 12-Sewer collector in Gualeguay 13-Sewer system in Ceibas 14-Effluent treatment plant in El Potrero 15-Treatment ponds and collector in Feliciano 16-Sewer network in Ubajay 17-Semi-surgent well in La Paz 18-Semi-surgent well in Concordia 19-Semi-surgent well in Seventh Crucesitas 20-Recovery of treatment lagoons in Colonia Avellaneda 21-Cleaning of Lagoon in Colonia Ayuí 22-Final stage of the Bicentennial Hospital of Gualeguaychú 23-Nebel Coastline in Concordia 24-Public gymnasium in Colonia Carrasco 25-Pedestrian Sidewalk in Albardón 26-House of Caretakers of the Common House in Victoria Works that are still under the responsibility of the Nation 1-Route 12 (from access to Galarza to intersection of routes 131 and 32) 2-Route 18 3-Route 136 4-Southern access to Paraná 5-Route 18 collectors 6-Access to Crespo 7-Access to Paraná Industrial Park through Hernandarias 8-Bridges and culverts of route 131 and route 12 9-Route 127 10-Route 12 (from route 8 -Cerrito- to route 1 -La Paz-) 11-Sewage drains in Villaguay 12-Water system in Concordia 13-Water system in Diamante 14-Flood protection in Villa Paranacito Works transferred to municipalities 1-Pavement in Paraná (Army Avenue, El Paracao, Gral Galán, Sarobe, Army Avenue, Avenue of the Americas) 2-Access to Aranguren 3-Access to Hernández 4-Water storage and distribution center in Paraná 5-Water treatment plant in Gualeguaychú stage 1 6-Water treatment plant in Gualeguaychú stage 2 7-500 Homes treatment plant in Paraná 8-Neighborhood Golf sewage collector in Concordia 9-Renewal of pipes in the historic center of Gualeguaychú 10-Water wells in Colonia Avellaneda 11-Refurbishment of water treatment plant in Concordia 12-Optimization of the water collection system in Paraná 13-Sewer networks in Gualeguaychú 14-Water distribution networks in Concordia 15-Water network sewage in Ingeniero Sajaroff 16- Sewage drain in Valle María 17- Water network in Bovril 18- Sewage drains in El Palenque 19- Sewage collector in Barrio Maccarone in Paraná 20- Sewage collector in Barrio El Morro in Paraná 21- Semi-emergent wells in Rosario del Tala 22- Sewage network in Pueblo Brugo 23- Drinking water network in Gualeguaychú 24- Water network in the Capibá neighborhoods. Radar and Juan Pablo II in Paraná 25-Infrastructure improvement in the East neighborhood of Nogoyá 26-Sewer network in the Isla Maciel, Llamarada, Las Viñas, San Juan and Parque de Concordia neighborhoods 27-Sewer sanitation in General Ramírez 28-Sewer network in Estación Racedo 29-Water network in El Pingo 30-Expansion of the water system in Gualeguaychú 31-Water network in Aldea Santa María 32-Expansion of the sewer network in Rosario del Tala 33-Remodeling of the water network in Colón 34-Water, sewer and connectivity in the Puesta del Sol neighborhood of Ubajay 35-Expansion of the sewer network in the Santa Ana neighborhood in María Grande 36-Urban sanitation plan for the west of Gualeguaychú 37-Sewer network in the Belén neighborhood of Chajarí 38-Water intake and collector 39-Sewer collector in El Progreso neighborhood of Piedras Blancas 40-Water intake in El Progreso neighborhood of Piedras Blancas 41-Sewer collector in Aldea San Juan 42-Placement of tower and tank in Guardamonte 43-Remodeling of water network in Colonia Elía 44 -Water network in new neighborhoods of San Salvador 45-Sewer network in Las Tunas 46-Completion of sewer networks stage 2 in Concordia 47-Sewer drains in Echagüe 48-Expansion of sewer and water network in Sauce de Luna 49-Expansion of sewer network in El Perpetuo 50-Drinking water completion plan stage 1 Guaeguaychú 51-Sewer network in Las 14 neighborhood of Chajarí 52-Sewer drains in Aldea María Luisa 53-Expansion of sewer network in Herrera 54-Sewer network in Colonia Avigdor 55-Sewer network north zone II Gualeguay 56-Water network in Aldea Asunción 57-Electromechanical equipment for Concordia 58-Optimization of Ibicuy treatment plant 59-Sewer network Feria de La Paz neighborhood 60-Central Park Concordia 61-Paving plan 2nd stage Concordia 62-Gualeguaychú Comprehensive Territorial Center 63-Multipurpose warehouse in Gualeguaychú 64-Child Development Center in Oro Verde 65-CDI of Santa Elena 66-CTI of Concordia 67-CDI Concepción del Uruguay 68-CDI Villa Elisa 69-CDI La Bianca in Concordia 70-Paving of the Vicoer, Obrero, Policial and Municipal neighborhoods in Gualeguaychú 71-Cycling track in San Salvador 72-CDI El Silencia neighborhood in Concordia 73-CDI Diamante 74-CDI Nogoyá 75-CDI General Galarza 76-CDI Santa Anita 77-Paving of the Festram neighborhood in Victoria 78-CDI General Artigas in Paraná 79-Inclusive pool in General Galarza 80-CDI Roberto Sattler and Corsini in Paraná 81-CDI Gualeguaychú 82-CDI Federación 83-Curbs and speed bumps in San Salvador 84-Curbs and speed bumps in Ceibas 85-CDI in Concepción del Uruguay 86-CDI in Aldea San Juan 87-Paving 8 blocks in San José de Feliciano 88-Paving Panutto street in Viale 89-Curbs and speed bumps in Villa Paranacito 90-CDI San Jaime de la Frontera 91-Curbs and speed bumps in Hernández 92-CDI Colonia Avellaneda 93-Communal sidewalk in Villa Domínguez 94-Paving in the Suroeste neighborhood of Cerrito 95-Paving on Rivadavia, Güemes, Brown and Eulogio González streets in Federal 96-Western wetlands in Paraná 97-Curbs and speed bumps in Seguí 98-Southern access to Crespo 99-Renovation of San Martín de El Pingo square 100-Urdinarrain storm drain 101-Paving in Villa Clara 102-Rehabilitation of the plaza in Aldea San Juan 103-CDI Islas del Ibicuy 104-Paving of Ramírez de Hasenkamp Avenue 105-Rehabilitation of public buildings in Pueblo Liebig 106-Sidewalks in September 20, Nogoyá 107-Expansion of the bicycle path in Maciá 108-Work on Crespo stream in Aldea Valle María 109-Pedestrian and curb and gutter in Las Cuevas 110-Changing rooms in the Villa Clara Sports Center 111-Curbs and gutter and drains in Villarroel and Santiago del Estero in Villa Clara. 112-Sidewalks in Villa San Justo 113-Public lighting in Colonia Elía 114-Changing rooms at the Aranguren Municipal Sports Complex 115-Pavement in Larroque 116-Pedestrian path in Enrique Carbó, Gualeguaychú 117-Improvement of the San Gustavo plaza 118-Sidewalks and ramps in Conscripto Bernardi 119-CDI in San Justo 120-Curb and gutter in Villa Urquiza 121-CDI in San José 122-CDI in Hasenkamp 123-Public toilets in Puerto Ibicuy 124-CDI in Enrique Carbó 125-Bike paths in Crespo 126-Wake room in Las Moscas 127-Sanitation of Arroyo Las Viejas in Paraná 128-Piping of the Salta Basin in Colón 129-Storm drains on Maipú street in San José
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 08 Aug 2024

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