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Paul Jensen, the President – Marketing and Full of Matthews International Corp made trade for 914 shares with the average stock value of $62.2 in the Pinksheet-listed Matthews International Corp, that are having a value of $56,887 USD. Mr. Paul currently has rights to 24,679 shares, accounting for 0.08% of Matthews International Corp’s total market capitalization. Out of 2 analysts covering Matthews International (NASDAQ:MATW), 1 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 1 “Hold”. This means 50% are positive. Matthews International has been the topic of 2 analyst reports since November 4, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Wunderlich maintained the stock on July 29 with “Buy” rating. The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.97 in Q2 2016. Its down 0.53, from 1.5 in 2016Q1. The ratio dived, as 9 funds sold all Matthews International Corp shares owned while 49 reduced positions. 10 funds bought stakes while 46 increased positions. They now own 25.53 million shares or 1.01% more from 25.27 million shares in 2016Q1. Clarkston Capital Partners Llc holds 3.36% of its portfolio in Matthews International Corp for 1.16 million shares. Channing Capital Management Llc owns 931,864 shares or 2.17% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Aristotle Capital Boston Llc has 1.85% invested in the company for 147,802 shares. The Massachusetts-based Eagle Boston Investment Management Inc has invested 1.65% in the stock. Emerald Advisers Inc Pa, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 469,343 shares. About 45,896 shares traded hands. Matthews International Corp (NASDAQ:MATW) has risen 26.90% since February 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 14.50% the S&P500. Matthews International Corporation is a designer, maker and marketer of memorialization products and brand solutions. The company has a market cap of $2.04 billion. The Company’s products and activities consist of six business divisions: Cemetery Products, Funeral Home Products, Cremation, Graphics Imaging, Marking and Fulfillment Systems, and Merchandising Solutions. It has a 34.39 P/E ratio. The Cemetery Products segment makes cast bronze and granite memorials and other memorialization products, cast and etched architectural products and is a builder of mausoleums in the United States. According to Zacks Investment Research, “Matthews International Corporation is a designer, manufacturer and marketer principally of memorialization products & brand solutions. Memorialization products consist primarily of bronze memorials and other memorialization products, caskets and cremation equipment for the cemetery & funeral home industries. Brand solutions include graphics imaging products & services, marking products, & merchandising solutions. The Company’s products & services include cast bronze memorials & other memorialization products; caskets; cast & etched architectural products; cremation equipment & cremation- related products; mausoleums; brand management, printing plates, pre-press services, & imaging systems for the primary packaging & corrugated industries; marking equipment & consumables, & industrial automation products for identifying, tracking & conveying various consumer & industrial products, components & packaging containers; & merchandising display systems and marketing & design services.” Analysts await Matthews International Corp (NASDAQ:MATW) to report earnings on November, 21. They expect $0.98 earnings per share, up 5.38% or $0.05 from last year’s $0.93 per share. MATW’s profit will be $32.01 million for 15.93 P/E if the $0.98 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.97 actual earnings per share reported by Matthews International Corp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 1.03% EPS growth. |